"her adittude is bad"

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Towards Naruto and Sasuke Sakura's attitude was really bad in the beginning. She was fangirling over Sasuke (it got a lot better in Shippuden but that will be another chapter) and didn't understand who Naruto really was. All she knew about him was that he is a so-called monster. She was thought to treat him like that by the people around her everybody treated him badly. She wanted to fit in. Now I don't think the way she treated him was right yet it was the only thing she knew. If anybody should be blamed it was hiruzen because he was supposed to take care of Naruto but all he did was spread rumours about him being a monster.  His place was run down  and he never took any care of him, while Sasuke got a fancy place with a tv and so on. You could say he was just using his money wisely yet I don't know if you can trust a child to do all the things an adulte is supposed to do (like bills for example). What you could also say is that Sasuke had the money of his entire clan but I dont think children are allowed to own that much money and it also doesn't make sense because Naruto's mom was a jonin and his dad was the hokage. I bet those pay well. Yet Naruto did not have access to any of that money.

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