Chapter 2: Changes

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Naruto Was Running So Fast that It Would Put Guy To Shame, As Fresh Tears Leaked From his Eyes Which were Radiating A Toxic Blue. Naruto Ran Back to the Waterfall As He Dashed Inside Entring the Cave. As Soon As He Entered He Decided to let Out his Frustraction As He Lashed Out At Everything Things In his Path, Creating Devistating Craters In the Walls As he Repeatedly Punched the Wall Causing His Knuckles to Be Badly Danmaged.

Naruto Fell To the ground Panting With Tears In his Eyes While Blood Flowed From his Hands. He Still Didn't Feel That It was Enough, He Couldn't Stop the Aching Feeling In his Heart. Naruto Got Up And Walked Deeper Inside of the Cave.

Reaching Down the Empty Cave Naruto Saw a Stairway With Tourches Lighting the Path Which Caused Him To Get Confused Since Only Him and Mikasa Only Came this Way.

Naruto started down the pitch dark stairwell and as he did the torches adorning the walls slowly started to light up.

After five minutes of continuous walking he finally arrived at his destination.

Naruto had arrived in a room with light gray colored walls. In front of him were two large concrete doors with a barrier protecting them from outside entry and a large seal array on the left side of the room That Said "Draw Blood Of the Worthy One, Of A True Uzumaki"

Naruto Was a Little Hesitent Before The Blond moved in front of the sealing array and bit his thumb to draw blood. In blood he drew a pattern of nine magatama in the center of the sealing array and then drew a line from each of them into a single point at the center. He placed his hand on the center and concentrated his chakra into the seal.

To his Surprise The barrier dropped and the doors slowly started to open.

The doors revealed a large cave like room, easily the size of the Konoha Colosseum where the Chunin Exams were held.

Naruto marveled at all of the seals covering the walls that were used to prevent people from entering without doing what Naruto did, and that would prevent any damage to the cave walls from either the inside or the outside.

Naruto slowly walked across the room until he was standing in front of the chest. He noticed the seals on it and drew the same pattern that he did to get into the room. After completing the pattern in blood, the seals on the chest started to glow bight blue until they broke and revealed what was inside. Inside of the chest Thoudsands Upon Thoudsands of Ryu, Two Beautiful Katanas, Ancient Kenjutsu Scrolls And A Weird Colorful Fruit. Naruto Looked Over the Chest In Complete Awe As he Looked Over towards A Note As he Read It.

To Whoever is Reading this

"My Name is Shimazu Uzumaki, Formerly Toyhisa. The Fact If You Are Reading This Then Yes, I Have Died And I Won't be Coming Back. I Am Originally Am Not From this World. When I Came Here I Was Sent To This Place Called Uzushiogakure Where I Was Treated Like Family Even If I Was An Outsider, They Accepted Me Like I was Their Own Kin. As For Reasons On Why You Were Chosen Then You Will and Spirit Must Be As Strong As Other Uzumaki's Just Like My Wife And Daughter Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto eyes Shot Wide Open But he Kept Reading) I Am Or Formerly Was the Uzukage. We Were Invaded By the 4 Great Nations, Iwa,Kumo,Suna And Kiri, It was A Battle To See Atleast We Took Half of their Forces Down, You Know How We Uzumaki's Are Were Stubborn So We Don't Go Down Without a Fight. A Little Advice, Live the Way You Want To By Following You're Own Rules And NEVER Go Back On You're Word Especially Not You're Family Were Uzumaki Ya Hear That!. Also, If You've Opened This, That Means You Are Directly the Descendent to the throne As A Male Uzumaki, I'm Figure Kushina First Born Son And...My Grandson. (Tears Started to Leak From Naruto Eyes) I'm Sorry, I Don't Know You're Name So I'm Just Going to Call you Little Arashi (Storm) Arashi Take My Inheritence, My Blades And Succeed Where I Didn't, Show Them That We Uzumaki Are Still Alive And Kicking, Find You're journey I've Already Delt With Mine. Now It's you're Turn, I Left Instructions Which Ranges From Fighting Stances to This Chakra Control Thingy And To The Demon Blades.

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