Chapter 4: Mission to Wave Part 1

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After everyone was at Training ground 7 the Gennin were Lined up against Eachother, Naruto was Away the furthest. Katsumi and Kushina were Standing Infront of the Genin, Well Katsumi was Flirting with Naruto while Naruko was silently Fuming. She remembered the Silver haired Jonin who kissed Her Naruto-kun, She could feel the Kyuubi power build up but she Took Deep breaths to stop her from Attacking the Jonin right there and then. (Menma and sasuke moved Away from her Because she was Releasing killer Intent). She just looked at Naruto and Blushed thinking About their future Together.

"Alright, Now that everyone is here why Don't we Introduce ourselves" Said Kushina with a Big grin on her Beautiful Face

"What do you Want to Know about Us Sensei?" Asked Naruko as Kushina smiled at the Pronunciation

"Even though I Know this, I want to know things like you're Names, likes, dislikes, Dreams, Things like that" Said Kushina as they All Nodded.

"For an example I'll go first" Said Kushina. "My Name is Kushina Namikze senju, My likes are My Family, Ramen, Swords and Cooking, My Dislikes are Traitors, Perverts and Rapist. My Dreams are to Repair My Family" Said Kushina as she sneaked a Glance at Naruto who was looking off Into space. She sighed Before pointing towards Menma.

"My Name is Menma Namikaze senju, My likes are My tou-san, Kaa-san, and Naruko-nee chan,Hinata-chan,Ramen, Training and Fighting. My dislikes are a Certain person (Looks at Naruto), the 3 Minutes for It to take to Cook ramen and Bad people. M dreams is to Become the Greatest hokage like My Tou-san" Said Menma as Kushina nodded before pointing at Sasuke.

"Hn, My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I hate alot of things, And I Don't particulary like Anything. What I have is NOT a Dream, Because I will make It a reality, First I'm going to restore my clan and KILL a Certain someone" Said Sasuke Darkly causing Menma to back Away thinking It was Him, Kushina sighed at What her Bestfriend son Became. She pointed at Naruko.

"My name is Naruko Namikaze senju, My likes are My family, Ramen, Training, Shopping and a Certain Person (Glancing at Naruto which didn't Go Unnoticed by Kushina and Katsumi who Narrowed her Eyes), My dislikes are Bullies, People who talk about my Red Hair,Rapist and Perverts. My dream for the Future is To be one of the most Strongest Kunoichi and (Looks at Naruto again) Have a Family of My own" Said Naruko as Kushina Beemed with Joy. She Finally Pointed at Naruto who had Katsumi in his Lap. Naruko growled in Anger, Sasuke and Menma started to Sweat nervously.

"My name Is Naruto Uzumaki, My likes are My girlfriend Katsumi (Much to the Displeasure and Anger of Naruko), Cooking, Training, Onigiri, Cuddling with Katsumi and Going on Dates with her. My dislikes are people who Annoy me (Looks at Namikaze family and sasuke) Fangirls, and Rapist. My dream for the Future is to become the Strongest Shinobi in the Elemental Nations and Have a Family with Katsumi" Finished Naruto as he pulled the Blushing katsumi Into his Chest.

Kushina was wide eyed, she Didn't think they had a Relationship like that!. She looked over towards Naruko who had a Betrayed look on her Face, But that was soon Replaced with Tears and rage Which she hid from the others. Kushina just sighed before standing up.

"Okay, Now that you're Introductions are over It's Time for..." She trailed off for the Dramatic Effect as she Smirked.




The Real Genin test!     

*Recap End*

"What!" Shouted the Almost newform Genin minues Naruto who had an Uncaring look on his Face. Menma and Sasuke stood to their Feet with a look of Anger on their faces.

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