1| project

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Ike's P.O.V
I woke up to my mom turning on my light and saying "Get up Ike you have to get ready for school." After she said that I heard her walk off, I let my eyes adjust to the light and i sat up in my bed. 'Great it's Monday Tricia is going to be complaining about her brother and his boyfriend all day long' I thought to my self. I got up and headed down stairs so I can eat breakfast and take my vitamins that my makes me take every day. "Good morning Ike I made you pan cakes and a scrambled egg, so you don't get dizzy today and so you can take your iron pill." I hear her say from the kitchen. I sit down in my normal seat and start eating. When I was done with my food I took my vitamins and when up to my room so I can grab some clean clothes and take a shower. I Open up my closet and I look through my clothes. After a while of looking I grab my shrek shirt that says on the front "have you ever seen a donkey fly" with a donkey and on the back it says "this is the part where you run" with shrek. Then I grab a pair of rip jeans and headed to the bathroom. When i got in i connected my phone to the blue tooth speaker and clicked my main playlist called "shower songs" I hit shuffle and the first song to come up is Scrawny by Wallows. I get into the shower and clean my self. When I was done with my shower and I was dressed I went down stairs grabbed my book bag and went out side heading to my bus stop. When I got there I can see Tricia messing with Karen. I see a small blush on Karen's face while Tricia is messing with her. I walk up to them and say "Hey guys" "It's aboot time" Tricia says mocking the fact that I'm Canadian. "Tricia I've told you this multiple times. I do not have a Canadian accent. Just because I'm from Canada doesn't mean I have an Canadian accent. I say about just like everyone else." I tell her. "I know, I just like messing with you." she says while sitting down on the ground waiting for the bus. "You will never guess what Craig did when he came back Friday." I roll my eyes in response while Karen asks "what did he do?" "Well it's more of what Tweek did. Tweek made him his favorite food for dinner and when Craig came home and saw it he immediately kissed Tweek. Like ew keep the gross couple stuff away from me I don't want to see that." Tricia said in an annoyed tone. "Cool I guess" I said. "ok then well I see the bus on its way you better get up" Karen said while handing out her hand so she can pull up Tricia. Tricia grabbed  Karen's hand and Karen pulled her up. The bus came up to us and stoped we walked on. Tricia and Karen took the last empty seat, making me choose to sit beside Billy Harris or Firkle. I Sat beside Firkle cause I didn't feel like being coughed on today. "hey" I said to firkle trying to start a conversation with him even tho he's mute. He brought out a notebook and wrote 'hi'. "How was your weekend? Anything interesting happen?" I asked him. He started wriggt and when he was done I saw that he wrote 'why are you talking to me?' "Why not? I like the fact that you don't care what people think of you and and you seem cool even though your mute." All he wrote was 'oh ok' and then the conversation stopped. After the bus driver dropped off the elementary schooler and the middle schoolers she dropped us off. I went to my locker while Firkle went to the back of the school probably going to smoke a cigarette.

Time skip to 5th period.

I was walking to my 5th period class wich was art. I had that class with Firkle. Karen and Tricia don't take art since Karen is in english this period and Tricia is in band. I walk over and sat in my normal seat. After a while I see the teacher walk in and right on the chalkboard 'group project'. "Ok class today you have a group project. This project will be due in two weeks. Everyone will be put into groups of two. I will be picking your partners. For this project you and your partner will have to make a sculpture of some sort. But both of y'all's personality's will have to be put into the project." After she said that she walked up to the 5th period bowl that has our names on popsicle sticks. I was tuning her out till she said "Next group is Ike and Firkle." I picked up my stuff and walked over to where Firkle was sitting. I sat down be side him and asked him "What should we make?" He thought about it for a minute then wrote down 'red knee tarantula' "Uhm ok then who's house do you want to go to, to make it?" I looked to see what he wrote down and all it said was 'yours'. "Ok then." For the rest of the period it looked like we were having a one sided conversation. It kind felt like that to but he still talked to me. Well I should say wrote. When the conversation came to a stop the bell rang.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter. I have decided that in the two weeks they have for this project they will be get close to each other and firkle with be starting to get comfortable with him. anyways I hope y'all enjoy this, and I will be trying my hardest to update this when eve I get the chance. next chapter will be in Firkles P.O.V. oh and the shirt that Ike is wearing I actually have that shirt.

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Here's what it looks like if y'all were confused on how I described it

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Here's what it looks like if y'all were confused on how I described it. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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