Chapter 7 - The Fun War

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I woke up, my eyes slowly getting accommodated to my surroundings, and there I saw the house I was in, and I could see everyone else still sleeping. Although it was already morning, it was still as dark as midnight outside. I slowly got off the couch I was sleeping on and went to get my backpack in the kitchen. I saw it on top of the kitchen table, so I opened it to see if all of its contents were still inside. While I was busy with this, I hadn't even noticed someone come to the kitchen. I turned around and saw Clara, but turned back around

"What do you want?" I asked

"You're up early" She said

"I guess so, and I see you are too" I said

"Maybe so, but may I ask why?" Clara asked

"Why you're up early?" I said

"What? No. Why you're up early" She said

"Don't know" I said

"Its like, 8 in the morning" She said

"A bit late but works" I said

"Jesus" She said

"You don't wake up this early?" I asked

"No" Clara responded

"Ok" I said

"So lemme ask you something" Clara said "Why don't you like me?"

"You're still onto that shit?" I asked

"You're right, my bad" Clara said

"It's not your fault, you just like me, that's all" I said

"I guess so" Clara said. It was there that I saw Reed slowly walk into the kitchen

"Reed!" I said, and saw him in a calmer state now

"You alright bud?" I asked

"Yeah, just a bit shocked is all, but I'm ready to go now" Reed said

"Alright then, we should tell the others" I said

"Maybe so" Reed said

"I'll go tell them" Clara said before walking back to the rest of the team

"Hey Tom, lemme talk to you for a sec" Reed said before I could leave too

"What is it?" I asked

"What happened while I was gone?" Reed asked

"Nothing just, resting. That's all" I responded with

"Rested? Anyone get harmed?" Reed asked

"Nope, no one got harmed" I replied with

"Oh good. Sorry for my weird behavior, I just worry about my team a lot" Reed said

"it's not weird, just normal things to worry about when in a team" I said

"I guess you're right. Let's go" Reed said before leaving, me following behind.


"Alright team here's the plan" Reed began explaining "We want to get ourselves to Level 11 right? The only way on doing so is by following the signs with a city on them, going in whichever direction they point in. We follow those for about 100 miles and we get there. Do not be surprised if we come across some entities, because we will, which is why we have guns. We get to the city and find an M.E.G base. Any questions?"

No one answered

"Good, then let's move!" Reed then lead us to the front door. We all held our guns in our hands, ready for what was out there, and with the snap of his fingers, Reed opened the door and we all bursted out. We scanned our surroundings, trying to locate an entity, but none were near, for now of course.

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