Chapter 13 - Operation: Search and Destroy

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I sat down on a chair, slowly writing the word "MUTANT" on a bullet with a small knife. I then looked out, seeing the hordes of entities eating the remains of the dead soldiers. I looked back at the bullet, and saw on the top of my cone of vision was a pair of legs, looking up to see Clara, and looked back down

"Hey Clara" I said

"What are you doing?" Clara asked

"Nothing" I said

"Are you ok?" Clara asked

"Not necessarily" I said

"Why?" Clara asked

"I don't know, maybe because I threw one of the Overseers into a horde of entities, turning him into what seems like fertilizer" I said

"I know it was tough, but we gotta focus on ourselves now, on each other" Clara said

"Tough? Oh hell no, I'm glad that son of a bitch is dead, he wanted me dead" I said

Clara let out a small chuckle before continuing "I guess so"

"So what now?" I asked

"You said, survive" Clara said, and I lifted my head up to look up at Clara. I stood up and was only a lips distance away from her now, making me feel, strange. I smirk at her, looking into her eyes as she looked at me, feeling that same strange feeling

"Thank you" I said before walking back to the other, looking through the outposts armory

"Find anything useful?" I asked

"Sure did, check this out" Dan said before handing this large metal fist, seeming to be put over your actual fist. I looked through the gauntlet, seeing it had a label reading "POWER FIST"

"What the hell is this?" I asked

"A metal gauntlet that has an energy field around it, causing anything it touches or punches to be blasted away by said energy field" Brice said

"That's cool, here have it" I said, throwing it back to Dan

"Really?" Dan asked

"Finders keepers" I said

"Hey, check this out" Reed said, looking into an open case, being the size of a human. We looked inside the box with him and saw massive body armor, with a label on the shoulder reading "JUGGERNAUT" 

"Since when does the M.E.G have this?" I asked

"More than that, where the hell did they get it from?" Randy asked

"Don't know, and probably shouldn't care" I said

"Maybe this could help us" Clara asked

"You think? If we use this stuff we could get out of here, no entities standing in our way" Jack said

"I guess so" Reed said

"Well, seems like the entities have claimed down outside, I say we gear up and head out of here" Brice said

"Yeah but where?" A person in the group asked

"I know" I said "There's an elevator, about half a mile away from here. We can use it to get to Level 52"

"Why there?" Another person asked

"There's someone there we need you all to meet, right Randy?" I said

"Oh yeah, totally" Randy said

"Alright then, we got plenty of guns here. Everyone gear up, and meet at the entrance in 5 minutes" Reed said, and we all split up, searching through the armory. I managed to get my hand on a rifle, a pistol, a machete and a couple of grenades. Not bad right? All Da had was his Power Fist, but that was good enough against any entity. Everyone else had the same load out, rifles, pistols and melee. We could do this. We gave Randy the Juggernaut armor, as he seems to be the one who was the most experienced with an MG, but meant he was the strongest. We all stood by the door, ready to open it. I held the doorknob, taking one last my team, ready for the attack.

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