The Moss Grows

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Lesson 67: Emotional connections are a weakness you cannot afford.

Lizzie strode down the isle, wearing the dress she wore on the beach, but now her pink hair was tied back in a bun and shrouded by a large veil that trailed behind her. She stared straight ahead, her eyes blank and face straight. She didn't meet his gaze as she moved up beside him, clutching a bouquet of dripleaf and coral in a white-kuckled grip.

Lizzie was the Ocean Empire Princess. Joel cursed himself for not guessing it. It was so obvious, and he had just ignored all the hints. He had flirted with her, for Aeor's sake! Had Lizzie ignored the proof as well? Was she as surprised as he was? But as the prince stared at his fiance, the blank expression on her face told him nothing.

"Dearly Beloved. We are gathered here today to join Joel, Prince of Mezalea, and Elizabeth, Daughter of the Great Ocean Spirit and Princess of the Ocean Empire in holy matrimony."

It was not true.

Joel continued.

"In the name of Aeor, I, Joel, take you, Lizzie, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part. This is my solemn vow."

"In the name of the gods, I, Elizabeth, take you, Joel, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until the gods take my spirit to the void. This is my solemn vow."

It was not solemn.

Joel continued.

"With this ring I, Joel, take you to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us."

"With this ring I, Elizabeth, take you to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us."

It was not love.

As cool metal rested on Joel's finger, the priest spoke again.

"By the power vested in me by the Church of Aeor, by the Chapel of Mezalea, by the Great Ocean Spirit, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

And it was over.

And it was fake.


Joel had woken in the morning to find, for once, Olana not standing at the end of his bed. The room had been dark, no servants rushing about in a panic to get their prince ready for the day.

Because there was no prince.

Joel was a king.

He had stood up, crossing the room to the drapes and threw them open, letting the sun shine in. Lizzie had gone back to her kingdom last night, leaving to prepare and say her goodbyes before she moved into Joel's palace.

However, Joel had made a promise the day before. He had to be somewhere. Same time, same place. He would be seeing Lizzie much sooner.

And that's how he found himself on the beach in the Taiga, skipping stones across the water and watching as they jumped once, twice, then landed with a plunk in the water.

The day was nice. A soft breeze ruffled his hair and fluttered the collar on his simple white shirt. Lizzie was nowhere in sight.

But Joel had made a promise. So there he waited.

It was an hour later that Joel sat up from where he lay on the sand and found Lizzie sitting beside him.

"Did you know?" Joel asked, propping his head up with his fist as he rolled onto his side. Lizzie shook her head, staring at the water. "Me neither."

"You're... different than I expected you to be," Lizzie replied. "I wonder if I would see you differently if we didn't meet like this. I've grown up on stories... and no offense, I expected you to be a soldier, a cruel commander. My people have been slaughtered by your army for centuries. I thought you'd be the same."

"My people aren't evil!" Joel protested. "We suffered losses too! And to be honest I didn't expect you to be like this either."

"Exactly," Lizzie turned to him, smiling calmly. "We all did. And what's worse is that we see each other as the villain. Our people have not seen both sides of the war. And that's tainted us all."

Joel paused, the rush of adrenaline calming. He nodded silently. "I guess... I guess you're right."

"Besides... you kept your promise, didn't you?"

The king's throat tightened and he turned to Lizzie, watching her with wide eyes. The Ocean Princess smirked. "You can't think of me as an enemy now, can you?"

Joel turned a deep crimson.

"Now I take it you're not really ready for marriage. They kinda put us together and left us to figure it out. So here's what should happen," Lizzie began. "When I move into the palace I'll occupy the Queen's suite, instead of joining you in the King's. Each morning we'll meet in the library, going over any troubles in the palace and in the staff, and in the late morning we'll spend some hours in the throne room, going over alliance requests. We should spend early afternoons in the courtyard, reviewing the guard. Evening will be spent with the court."

Joel nodded.

"Once a week, let's say... the 1st Turn, we'll visit the kingdom, spending a morning in the streets and observing any troubles our citizens may have. In the afternoon we'll board one of your ships and visit my kingdom, spending the night there and then returning come morning. The rest of that day will be free unless something important intervenes."

"Sounds good."

"It seems we have ourselves a deal, friend." Lizzie smiled, shaking Joel's hand.


In a week, Joel and Lizzie would be crowned king and queen of the two united empires. Rulers (now staying at a willing Mezalean lord's house) from all over the realm would attend, just like during the wedding.

Joel collapsed onto his bed and buried his face in the plush, patchwork comforter. Even the though of it made him sick.

He never wanted to be king. He never wanted to rule the Mezalean Empire, or marry the Ocean princess, or even be prince, for Aeor's sake!

But the more he thought of his wife, the more something pulled at him, a nagging but longing feeling in his mind. He shook his head. Lizzie was barely even a friend. And Mezalean prince did not believe in love at first sight.

Without the pressure of Olana waiting in her quarters just down the hall, he slipped into a sleep that, though not plagued of childish worries, was infested by his new predicament.

Lizzie's laugh echoed in his mind.

Aeor help him.

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