John/Ella dream- Penthouse attack (part 1)

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^Lorien Legacies meme of the day^

a/n: hey guys I know it has been awhile. So sorry about that. I hope you all are having a great day.

I found an instagram account that is doing a bunch of Lorien Legacies Fan stuff. Their account is @13yearsoflorien on instagram. Go check it out.

This story is in The Fall of Five right after Ella and John get stuck in the vision of the future. This is a different alternative if what could've happened. Also this is from Sam's perspective. So yay!

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The Fall of Five (Book 4)


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That night no one slept, excepts for the two who couldn't wake. That was a sleep no one was eager to join. Everyone was doing their own thing, Sarah was by Johns side, Marina and Eight were on the couch talking, Nine was pacing across the room, Six was in the leather hall beating up one of the mogadorian dummies, and Five is in his room. Instead of standing around I decide to go to the lecturn hall to see if my dad needs any help. I walk in and he's hunched over the desk intensely staring at a sheet of paper.
    "What are you looking at?" I ask
    "I— I translated the message" he said with a nervous tone.
    "What does say?!"
    "That's the thing, it's a copy of my notes. I don't know how they got them." My dad seemed heartbroken thinking about how his notes got out. "Maybe I did it. What if they did something to make me their spy and I don't even know I'm doing it."
    "Hey guys come here." I called down the hall. Within a few second everyone was running to us.
    "What's going on?" Six asked a little skepticism in her voice.
    "We translated the message." Before they could all look at it I steped in-front of my dad so hopefully no one would do anything too reckless. I believe my dad is not working for them, there has to be another way the mogs got his notes.
    "What does it say?" Marina asked.
    "It a copy of my notes" my dad said behind me. I could see the devastation on his face. He handed them the paper,
    "What the hell!" Nine growled. Before they could get anything else out a loud buzzing came from a drawer at the desk. I opened it and saw my dads burner phone. It was an unknown number. I looked at my dad and saw a little relief in his expression. Everyone was staring at me with confused, questioning looks.
    I hit the button and press the phone to my ear, my voice shaky.  "Hello?"
    "Malcom!" The breathless voice on the phone shouts. "Where have you been?!"
    "This is Sam," I correct, a feeling of dread rising in my stomach as I recognize the voice. "Adam, is that you?"
    My dad jumps up and squeezes my shoulders excited that Adam is still alive. I wish I could feel relieved, but the way he sounded on the phone, it's like more bad news is on the way. Some of the Garde shift uneasily when I mention his name.
    "Sam? Sam! Where's your father?"
    "Never mind! It doesn't matter!" he shouts "Listen to me, Sam. You're in Chicago, right? The John Hancock Center?"
    "How— how did you know that?"
    "They know, Sam!" Adam yells. "They know and they're coming for you!"
I almost drop the phone by how surprised I was. Everyone's eyes stared intensely at me, they must be able to see the shock in my face.
    "What did he say?!" Six asked urgently.
    "He— he said they know where we are and that they are coming!" Somethings snapped in everyone, they are all tense, looking over their shoulders preparing for anything. With John out I think everyone felt a little lost, should we stay and fight or leave before they get the chance? I take this as my opportunity to show I can be helpful,
    "Ok Nine, Eight, Six, and Five you guys spread out and cover all the entrances for any mogs." I commanded. "The rest of us are going to get John and Ella to a car, Marina you're going to cover us if anything happens. Once we get there meet us down in the garage so we can leave. Let's hope we have enough time." With that everyone splits up, while running Sarah, my dad, and I grabbed some guns on our way.
    We got to John and Ella with no problems. I grabbed John and hang him over my shoulder, similar to how he carried me back at the cave in West Virginia. My dad does the same with Ella. Sarah and Marina led with guns aimed and ready. We were about to step out of the room when the whole building shakes and dust falls from the ceiling.
    "They're here, get ready!" I hear Six call from the other room.
We hear glass shatter in other rooms of the penthouse and blaster fire erupt. I grip my gun and hold John tighter. Marina peeks her head out the door and quickly comes back in.
    "There's about half a dozen of them blocking the elevator and it looked like the rest are in the main room fighting the others." She says "Everyone ready?"
    "Ready" we all reply in unison. It all happens so fast, Marina crouches down and started shooting and Sarah does the same standing above her. With the door frame for cover the mogs don't shoot anywhere near us. The girls have mowed down most of the ones blocking the elevator when the window breaks behind us and five mogs jump off ropes into the room. The start shooting immediately and my dad and I have to jump for cover behind the bed. We lay John and Ella down and start firing back. We are all firing, different directions with different opponents. It's chaos. I hear a cry in pain and look back to see Sarah has been shot in the arm, luckily Marina is right there to heal her. The only problem with that is our attack on the mogs outside has stopped and they are closing in on us. I quickly shift my aim to the door and start shooting at them.
    A few more minutes go by and I can tell I'm getting low on ammunition, we are going to need to make a break for it soon. When Marina finishes healing Sarah they pick up their guns and continue firing outside, I look back to see my dad finish off the last mog in the room. We pick John and Ella back up and head over to the door just as the girls take out the last few outside. Our path to the door is clear, even though we can still hear fighting around us, we take the moment. We run to the elevator and jump in and as the doors close I see Six on a mogs back while driving a sword in his shoulder. Just seeing her makes me so relived and hopeful we can actually make it out. We ride down in with the soothing elevator music, which is ironic considering all the violence happening above us. The doors open and we are in the garage under the John Hancock Center. We cautiously look around but it seems like the Mogadorians are keeping their focus on the penthouse. We quickly find a van and hop in since none of Nine's expensive cars could hold all of us. My dad hands Ella over to Sarah and begins fiddling with the wires trying to jump start it and we gently set the two in the middle row of seats. They are still unconscious and pale, completely unaware of anything that has happened. We sit in the van and wait for the others since there is not much else to do. Sarah is coddling John trying to wake him up, Marina is looking out the windows for anything, and my dad it still working on the car. We waiting for about 10 minutes and the others still haven't joined us,
    "Got it!" my dad says as the van rumbles to life.
    "Shouldn't they be here by now?" Marina asks nervously and I can't help but be nervous with her. From what I saw of Six it looked like they were winning but a lot could've changed in that amount of time. The good thing is we know that everyone is still alive since Marina doesn't have a new scar.
    "I'm sure they are fine," my dad assures "Nine is probably just getting carried away and taking too long?"
    "Yeah I hope so" I say with a smile. He's probably right, they are up their kicking ass right now and we have nothing to worry about. Even as I think that I still feel the worry creeping inside me. Suddenly the stairwell door burst open and Six, Eight, Five, and Nine run out looking for us. My dad honks the horn and they come our way. We open the doors and everyone files in.
    'GO!" Nine yells "They are right on out tail"
My dad puts the van in gear and floors it out of the garage. We drive through backstreets and quiet neighborhoods until we get out of the city. Looking around none of us seem to be injured that badly, a few cuts and bruises here and there but nothing too serious. We drive in silence for about an hour with Five, Marina, Eight, and Nine in the back. Ella, Sarah, John, and me in the middle and my dad and Six in the front. The chest are stuffed in the trunk and I can see BK flying above us as a bird.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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