John Discovers New Legacies (Part I)

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^ Lorien Legacies meme of the day (Sam and Six) ^

a/n: I hope you all enjoyed the first part. Sorry about not posting every week like I said I would but I got really busy with all my summer activities, I promise to update as often as I can. There will probably be 2 for this week since I will be out of town next week. 

This part and the next one are basically John getting new powers from his Ximic (the ability to duplicate the Legacy of another Garde simply from having previously seen someone using the ability). I know this wouldn't really work in these scenarios because John hasn't seen these legacies yet but just go with it. lol. 

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The Power of Six (Book 2) 

This scene picks up directly from the story at the abandon house in Florida pg. 120


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I can feel Six's grip around my right ankle, and the sensation is as if she were literally holding me up with one hand.

"Oh, totally. Got her right where you want her," Sam replies

"I was about to make my move, you know. Biding my time."

"So what do you think Sam?" Six asks. "Should I let him have it?"

A smile breaks across Sam's face. "Take it away."

Just as I feel Six let go of my ankle I start to rise up in the air going higher and higher.

"Six what are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm not doing anything I let you go and thought you were going to fall in the pool." She answered.

"What! Then why am I still floating?" I could see the stunned look on their faces. At this point I was about as high up as the trees.

"Guys help me!" I yelled at them, I was starting to panic now. What was happening to me, is this some sort of legacy, if so I do not understand it. The higher I got I was able to see the beach and out into the ocean. I could barely hear Sam and Six anymore, I looked down and they looked like tiny dots. Just as I wished it would stop it did, I start free falling back down to the ground.

"SIX DO SOMETHING!" I screamed as I plummeted to the ground. I can't believe this is how I am going to die, not from the war or because of the Mogadorians but because of this. I could see Six trying to stop me with her telekinesis but it isn't working I was only getting closer and closer. I was probably just about 10 feet until I hit the ground when I took a sharp turn to the left moving at an insane speed. Then I took a right and another right, I still wasn't in control but it was better than free falling. Eventually I circled back around to the yard at the same speed and crash right into the ground. I go rolling all the way across the yard until I stop and hit the base of a tree. I let out a moan.

"Dude are you okay?" Sam asks as him and Six run over to me. I didn't say anything just shook my head no but stopped quickly because even that slight movement hurt.

"What was that, were you flying?" Six said

"I wouldn't say I was flying but yeah I think I was flying."

"Is that a new legacy?" Sam questioned

"Maybe I don't really know."

"We can figure that out later let's get you inside first, that looked like it really hurt." Six stated. They both took one of my arms and helped me up. I stumbled inside and landed hard on the couch. Six brought over the healing stone but there wasn't any physical damage, I was just going to be sore for a few days. 

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