Chapter Eight

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Eight. Picture of Thomas' house ^^^^^

——- Hannah's P.O.V ——-

The premiere went pretty well, Thomas' fans and the rest of the public have accepted our relationship and I couldn't be happier for that. Watching the movie for the first time made me so proud of everything the guys have done. I have watched all of Thomas' films throughout the years but actually watching it with him was amazing. Throughout the movie Thomas kept his hand on my thigh and that made me smile. I honestly don't think that Wes could have done a better job with the movie though, in my opinion it was great. Sure, a little different from the book but all in all it was really good. I met James Dashner too and he was a really nice guy, he told Wes that he thought the movie was a good adaptation and he can't wait to see what he does with The Scorch Trials.

Thomas suggested to me after the premiere that we move in together, we have definitely been together long enough and my flat is kind of run down. I am looking forward to moving in with him, he has a house on the outskirts of London and it is heavily protected with security. According to Thomas there are cameras everywhere, an electric gate at the front of the property and people can only get in if Thomas opens the gate. It's reassuring to know that hardly any paps will be able to get onto the property; I think I would be scared if they could and I would refuse to move in with Thomas.

We are going shopping for new stuff for our house today. I officially moved in yesterday, it took me around a day to pack up all of my clothes and then another one to sell my flat but everything is sorted now. Thomas wants to get a new bed, TV, couch and just other little things like cutlery, utensils, place mats, glasses etc and I don't mind. I think going into town should be fun. I just hope the paparazzi don't go too crazy; they are bound to get some photos but I don't want to get mobbed or anything.

I walk downstairs after having gotten changed and Thomas is in the kitchen drinking tea "You look lovely Darling" he says as I steal his drink "You make good tea" I say taking a sip and he chuckles "Thank you Darling. Can I have my drink back?" he asks and I shake my head "Nope. I am drinking it" I say and he pulls me into him "Fine then. I will just taste it like this" he says kissing me gently causing me to giggle "I think we need to go" he says taking the cup off me and setting it down next to the sink "We do. You grab the keys then" I say and he nods grabbing the car keys along with the house keys.

We have just gotten into town and so far so good. I link my arm through Thomas' as we walk and he presses a sweet kiss to my forehead "I love you" he murmurs afterwards and I smile "I love you too Tommy" I say and he kisses my forehead again. We walk into the nearest furniture store and go for the bedroom section "Remind why you want a new bed" I say and Thomas smiles at me "Because I have had the current one since I moved into that place plus it's only a double bed. I want a Queen-size bed" he says and I nod "What about that one?" I ask pointing to a modern-ish bed that has built in nightstands and it looks really nice "I like that one. I think it will look good in the bedroom if we got the matching dresser and stuff" he says motioning to the other items of furniture in the room "It's a walk in closet. Right?" I ask and Thomas nods "Yeah. So we only need a dresser for basics" he says and kiss his cheek sweetly "Look at the vanity" I say pointing to a vanity that matches everything else, I could so imagine that in the bedroom.

After a couple more minutes of looking at the bedroom set we decide to sit down and talk about what we should and shouldn't get. "I have a suggestion" Thomas says taking my hand "We've looked at the bedroom set and liked all of it. I have a feeling that it will be the same with the living room stuff along with the kitchen stuff" he says and I nod "What's the suggestion then?" I ask and he chuckles "Why don't we just get new furniture for everywhere. Not the kitchen though, we both like the kitchen. Maybe get the bathroom re-done" he says and I smile "That sounds great but are you sure? It will cost so much" I say and Thomas shrugs "I don't want to sound big-headed but I have the money" he says and we both stand up "Let's go and look at the lounge sets. I kind of want a corner sofa and some chairs maybe a cute coffee table" I say and Thomas pulls me into him by my waist "You are so adorable" he says and I giggle "Thanks but you don't need to tell me" I say and he rolls his eyes "It's nice to know my girlfriend is so humble" he says and I giggle again "You know you love me" I say and he sighs playfully "That I do. Ever so much" he says kissing me before I can say anything else back.

We're driving home now. Thomas ordered that whole bedroom set, along with a living room set that has all the stuff I wanted, a new dining room table with chairs and we did decide to get the bathroom re-done. We also bought all the things we wanted for the kitchen so they are in the bags in the boot. Plus we bought some new bed covers, a couple of lamps to put on the nightstand so we did spend quite a lot of money but I think that Thomas and I are planning on staying in this house for a while. As I'm looking out of the window Thomas intertwines his fingers with mine, I turn to look at him and he smiles at me "You look so peaceful" he says rubbing his thumb lightly over mine.

I have just finished putting everything away but all the stuff we ordered today won't come for a couple of days so I have just put the lamps and bedcovers in the cupboard. Thomas and I sit down on the couch and turn the TV on "I wonder if anyone got pictures of today" I say as Thomas puts his arm around my shoulder and I cuddle into his side "There's only one way to find out" he says turning the channel to MTV and the news part is just starting. Within minutes of it being on Thomas and I are mentioned 'Thomas Brodie-Sangster has been seen in Central London today with his girlfriend Hannah Owen' the presenter says and a picture of myself and Thomas at the premiere pops up 'Apparently they have been dating for 6 months. Seemingly the right time to be moving in together' the presenter speaks again and this time pictures of Thomas and I shopping today pop up 'The pair were seen in multiple home ware and furniture stores today. Throughout the day they seemed to be extremely loved up' the presenter explains and one picture of when Thomas and I were in the first furniture store and we were kissing comes onto the screen and then another of Thomas taking the bags off me comes onto the screen too 'It does seem like this couple will be together for a while. Let's hope so' then the presenter moves onto a different subject.

Thomas changes the channel before turning to me "Looks like they got a lot of pictures" he says and I nod "At least they aren't saying shit. They seem to support it" I say and he smiles "We're all moved in together now. Properly" he says pulling me into his lap. We stay like that in silence for a few minutes "You know" Thomas says breaking the silence "What we did today. Shopping for furniture like that. Made me imaging a future with you" he says moving me around to face him.

He leans in and stops about a millimetre before my lips "And let me tell you. It's an awesome one" he whispers and I smile "An awesome one indeed" he whispers again. He then kisses me before I can add anything into the conversation.


That was Chapter Eight, hope you liked it.

Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.......

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