"Follow the arrows"

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I went to a bar with my friends Jeff and Dave one evening for a few drinks. I noticed some writing on the door as I went to the bathroom and walked into one of the stalls.

"Follow The Arrows," it said.

I looked about it - but couldn't find any arrows, so I didn't give it much thought. However, I needed to use the restroom again two hours later.

I accidentally hit the light switch with my shoulder as I walked through the door, and the room went dark. That's when I became aware of it. There was a trail of glow-in-the-dark arrows on the ceiling above my head. They appeared to have been there for quite some time.

I was surprised. I wanted to find out where the arrows led by following them. I returned to the table and told Jeff and Dave of my discoveries. They, we're too, curious. We decided to look into it. I returned home and bought a black light. It's similar to a little spotlight, except it highlights areas that the human eye cannot see.

It was almost closing time when I returned to the bar.
Dave and Jeff were patiently waiting for my arrival, their faces lit up with hopes. I walked into the restroom and used my black light to check out some of the painted arrows.

It worked just fine. They radiated a bright light. We followed the trail of arrows from the restroom, across the bar's ceiling, and out onto the street. I searched the ground with my black light for invisible arrows. I discovered one. As Dave and Jeff walked close behind, I followed the arrow, maintaining my black light inches from the ground and waving it back and forth.

I discovered another arrow a few feet away. Then there was another and yet another. For about two blocks, I followed these arrows down a side street. We were beginning to wonder where these arrows were leading us. Finally, I came upon an arrow that pointed us differently... It was a driveway leading to an empty lot with a tall metal fence surrounding it.

We couldn't tell what was inside because we couldn't see it. The arrows pointed uphill to the gate. Jeff tried to open the gate, but it was closed. We decided to jump over the fence. Jeff was the first to attempt it, getting a strong grip at the top and then lifting himself over.

I slid the black light into my pocket and went through the gate. Dave offered me a helping hand, pushing my legs from behind the fence until I went through.

We were in what appeared to be an old parking lot. Cracks in the broken concrete sprang weeds. With the help of the black light, I immediately located another arrow. We took it carefully as we followed the new track, which eventually brought us to a little shack in the middle of the parking lot...

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