'Some people just want to watch the world burn'

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Nik's POV

I wake up from my alarm at 5:30 am so I can get a run in. Hope is still sleeping so I gently get out from under my sister.

I get dressed into shorts and a t- shirt ready for my run. I grab my phone before leaving my room.

When I get outside, I start to run to the lake, then I run around it a few times.

I end up running for 30 minutes before I run back to the school.

As I'm walking down the hall to my room, I have my music blasting. I bump into someone and they fall. I pull out an earbud and look at who's on the floor. It's Lizzie.

"Sorry." I say quickly and help her up, she looks at me and freezes.

"Lizzie?" I ask and she snaps out of it, "Sorry for bumping into you." I apologize again and she rolls her eyes, that kind of hurt.

"Sorry." I say in a whisper before I walk past her.

I walk to my room and open the door to see Hope still asleep. I get a towel and my clothes for the day and go to my bathroom.

After my shower I put on my clothes and wake up Hope. "Hopey! Wake up!" I shout and she jumps up and falls out of bed.

"Asshole." Hope tells me with a glare before walking into the bathroom with her clothes.

"Love you too sis!" I say and she flips me off before closing the door.

I smile before putting my headphones in and putting on music. "I'm going to breakfast!" I shout to Hope through the door.

"Okay!" She shouts back and I leave.

I walk past the staircase and hear Lizzie, "Let's hit the dining hall and carb load." Lizzie says. "It's game day."

"I'm not hungry." Josie says and I walk behind them, I can't help but stare at Lizzie. "What?"

"Well, uh, funny thing actually, Josette." Lizzie starts, "This morning, as I was desperately trying to make this trash bag of a jersey look cute," I decided to cut her off there.

"I would say it worked." I say and they turn to me, I give Josie a small smile before turning to Lizzie and looking her up and down, making sure she can see. "For sure, it worked." I say and Lizzie blushes.

"Carry on." I say and walk past them to the lunch room, making sure I touch Lizzie on the way out.

After a bit, I walk back and see Penelope, "Maybe you're pregnant, Lizzie." She says and I turn the corner and flash my eyes at her, I can smell her fear.

"Piss off, Satan." I say and wave her off, she quickly scrams. "I wouldn't listen to her. You look beautiful." I tell Lizzie and she blushes again.

"Thank you, Klaus." Lizzie says.

I smile slightly before walking off to find Hope.

When I find her she's waiting outside for Ric, "Hey, Nik." Hope says and I wave.

"Are you coming with us today to find Landon?" Hope asks me and I shrug.

"Do you want me to?" I ask her.

"Up to you." Hope tells me and I sigh.

"Could I stay here? I'm probably going to show up to the game just to watch Lizzie." I admit and she smirks.

"Ask her out." Hope says in a sing along voice, I roll my eyes.

"You ask Josie out. We have a deal." I say before kissing her forehead and walking away.

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