Chapter 5

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I and Erick were working hard on our project for about an hour when we decided to take a break and went inside.

"How is the homework going?" His mom said when got in the house with a hard accent.

"It went well," I told her.

"That's good would you like something to drink"

"Water  would be nice thank you"

She gave me a glass of water while Erick and I went to the next room which I did not see when we came in but it was a music room

"Who plays all these Instruments," I ask Erick.

"I do," he told me "it's one of my passions besides soccer"

"Really this is very new to me I thought you were the musical type"

"Well, I am I do not like to tell a lot of people only my family knows. I do not want people to make fun of me or anything"  he said with a sad face.

"You are really worried about what people think about it. I never thought you would be one of those people at all" I told him trying not to sound too mean or surprised.

"I am but I am trying to become more public with my music career. I mean love soccer with my life but I rather do something with soccer for my future you know".

"Why do try to do something with music like posted on your social media"

"Well there is a competition show that is coming here to Miami Called La banda that I kinda want to join"

"You should do this so you can do what you always wanted to do in your life. And who cares what other people think it your life you should be able to do what you want" I told him.

"Then why are you mad at me for being a part of the popular crowd even though I had nothing to do with it. And is not the time to forgive and forget what they did to you it as back when you were all kids was it not" He told me.

I was kind of in shock that told me this I was there frozen and I had never expected to come out a tell me this. Then again I am not surprised that he knows what happens since he is friends with them.

"Hey are you ok you have a blank look do you need anything," he said shaping me out of my train of thought.

"Sorry but it was just a bad time that no one wanted to be friends with me but the three friends I already have," I told when snapping back to the conventions. Not sure why I was telling him this at all but I guess since he told me something of his secret he could know this.

"That is terrible I am so sorry that happen to you. If I was there, you would have been your friend and stopped them from doing what they did" He told me with the biggest smile I ever saw on him.

"Thanks that means a lot. Away I got to go before my parents start to worry about me".

We said our goodbyes and I head home I found out he lives about three blocks always from me which was not too bad at all. When I got home I called my friends to tell them what happen at Erick's house because I know they are dying to know what happen. I left the part out about him wanting to do music because it was not my secret to tell and I did not tell them that we talk happened in elementary school. Leaving all that out it seem pretty dull and that told me I had nothing to worry about.  We hang up and then I finish what I had to do homework eat and got ready for bed.

It was just crazy what happened today but in a weird way, I feel closer to him. I texted him that I had a good time at his house and let me know when we could work on this again.   I got no answer right away I was not to worry he probably has other thing going on I just went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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