An Unexpected Rescue

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Sonic was in the cell patiently waiting for rescue and thinking of ways to escape his cell, it's been almost a year since his capture. Dr. Eggman been laughing and bragging about it every chance he got, but Sonic never gave in and still acted cocky towards the doctor. Sure he gotten beaten up, but he still was himself. Being locked up wasn't the problem, it's the fact that he's being forced to stay in one place! He HATES being in one place for a long time.

 Being locked up wasn't the problem, it's the fact that he's being forced to stay in one place! He HATES being in one place for a long time

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He was in his own thoughts he didn't notice a small figure outside his cell until a clank sound was made. He turns to the bars to find a little girl holding broken pieces of the bars, to say he was shocked to find a little girl who he has never met before was breaking him out. What shocked him the most was the condition the girl was in, she was wearing a dirty long sleeve dress and bandages on her legs and possibly on her arms to if they wasn't covered, and she had some bruises here and there "Are you Sonic? If not are you okay?" she asked in a whisper, he nodded "Yeah... I'm okay kiddo! Thanks for the rescue!" he said patting her head giving her a thumbs up.

The alarm suddenly went off, Sonic grabbed the kid and began running like his life dependent on it

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The alarm suddenly went off, Sonic grabbed the kid and began running like his life dependent on it...though it kinda did, but he had a child with him as well and her life could be on the line too. During the running, he told the girl to hang on to him as he had to spin dash and destroy a few robots along the way.

 During the running, he told the girl to hang on to him as he had to spin dash and destroy a few robots along the way

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Not long after, Sonic spotted a hole in the wall and stopped right in front of it 'Hmmmmm...I wonder if this kid came in through here' he thought to himself. Sonic looked down at the girl "Hey kid! Did you come through this hole?" he asked her, she shook her head "No...I came through the ceiling..." she states softly pointing up at the hole in ceiling. He looked up and to his surprise on how far up it made him wonder how she got down...but wait! If she didn't come through wall...then who did...? His question was soon answered when a whole buch of robots came bursting through the walls with eggman floating above in his egg mobile

? His question was soon answered when a whole buch of robots came bursting through the walls with eggman floating above in his egg mobile

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"Oh great..." Sonic groaned in annoyance. "So the blue pest managed to escape out of his little cell, huh?! And he has a little twerp with him! Well no matter! Let's just see how well you can manage with all these robots with that brat in your care! Hohohohohohohohohoho!!!!!!" Eggman laughed evil before pointing his finger at the two silently commanding his robot army to attack. Sonic as already pulled the little one close to him in a protective stance trying to come up with a plan to not only fight off the robots, but also keep the girl safe, the little one slightly clings on the Sonic. As soon as the robots was about to attack a glow suddenly surround Sonic and the girl before the glow grew brighter and disappeared along with the two. Eggman looked around in frustration and confusion "Where Did Those Two Go!!!?"

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