chapter 1

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Chapter 1
-first day-

Savannah s POV:
"Savannah ! Time to wake up! It's the first day of school!" My sister says while shaking me awake.

"Just five more mins," I groan as I put my head back into my pillow.

Hi, I'm Savannah. I'm 17. I have 3 siblings. The youngest is Ace. He's 5. He's lucky he doesn't have to go to school yet. My other sister Katie Grace is 13 years old. She's in middle school and my older sister Taylor she's in collage.

"Come on!" Katie says.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I say getting out of bed letting out a loud groan.

Today's the first day of school and I'm not sure I'm quit ready to start my senior year. I can't believe this is going to be my last year of high school. It feels like just yesterday I just started my first year there.

I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I come out of the bathroom and sit down on my stool at my vanity set. I pull my hair up in a messy bun getting ready to do my make up. Once I put on my makeup (not much just powder and light blush) I curled my brown hair with blond highlights. I put on my black tight jeans that's ripped only at my knees and a sorta a over sized shirt and tucked it in only at the front and then slid on my checkered black and white vans. I grabbed a random cardigan and slid it over my arms and grabbed my Nike backpack. I walked out of my rooms and walked down the stairs.

"Morning sunshine!" My father said as he was cutting up fruit for ace.

"Morning baby," my mother said as she turned around to look at me from the stove where she was cooking pancakes.

"Morning," I smile as I sat on the barstool by Katie who was already down here surprisingly.

"Are you pumped for the first day!?" My dad asked in his exciting voice.

"Um.. I'm not sure if 'pumped' is the word,"

After eating breakfast I said bye to mom and dad and they told me to have a good day all that parent crap they say and I kissed Ace on the forehead before leaving out the door. I drove to school and when I arrived I saw all my friends there standing by the entrance waiting for the doors to open.

"Hey, savannah!" My best friend greeted.

Anna Kate is my best friend. Everyone calls her Anna for short. I've known here since kindergarten. She's always been a great friend and here when I've needed her.

"Anna! Hi!" I say hugging her. Still happy to see her even tho we spent the whole summer together.

"What's up!" Jacob said while playfully slapping me on the arm.

Jacob. He is one of my boy best friends since middle school. I've known him since elementary but we've started become closer in middle when we were in the same home room class.

"Hey, Jacob," I say.

"Anyone seen Maddison?" He asked.

"Um.. no," Anna replies while looking around seeing if she could spot the blond.

Maddison. She came here the first year of high school. She so happened just ended up in our friend group some how. Everyone knows Jacob had a little crush on her. Little did he know she's gay.

"Well. There is the bell!" A random teacher says.

We walked in the school with the crowd of other kids going in the direction of the cafeteria. Once we reached the cafeteria we found a table and sat there going over our schedule not eating because we all ate before we came.

"I don't have any class with you guys," I say comparing all our schedules together.

"Whose Ms. Mitchell?" I asked looking up from the schedules.

"Uh.. the new English teacher this year," Anna Kate answers.

"Figured she's new I haven't heard of her before," I say.

After about 30 minutes passed of us just chatting about everything Maddison arrived and sat with us and than the principal escorted us out of the cafeteria telling us to go to our first period.

I reached my first period class which was math and sat by Maddison. Me and her had almost every class together besides 4th which was English.

After first, second and third period it was time to go to my fourth period class. So far it's only been procedures and the teachers introducing their selfs to us. Third period there was a seating chart. How lame is that? Right.

Walking into fourth period class, I take a seat kinda in the back but not all the way at the back and sorta in the middle. I look around and I see the teacher at her desk. She has on these glasses that's at the tip of her nose, her hair is in a messy bun. She's staring at her computer. God it should be illegal to be that damn fine.

After everyone is seated and the bell rings. She gets up and shuts the door and starts introducing her self.

"Hello everyone, I'm Ms. Mitchell. This is my first year teaching here and I'm excited for this year!" She says giving a smile. God she's perfect. She has on a tight grey dress that shows her craves and giving a nice view of her boobs.

"If everyone could make their way to the front of the class with all their stuff that'll be great," she says going around her desk grabbing a clip board.

"Are we getting assigned seats?" Someone asked.

"Unfortunately yes," she says.

"Ugh," someone groaned.

"It's not my doing. The principal instructed all teachers to do this," she explained while everyone lined up in front of her desk. To get in front of us she had to come through us. She turned side ways, "excuse me," she says squeezing in between me and another student. I swear I could feel her boobs pressed against me.

After assigning like 9 students in seats, she gets to my name. Looking down at the key board she says my name,

"Reynolds's, Savannah," she calls out looking up from the key board looking from student to student until I raised my hand.

"Right here," I say. Seems like she frozed for a second there.

"Oh, umm.. right here," she says pointing st the sit that was on the first row literally right in front of her desk.

I took my seat and waited for further instructions.

Obsessed with my English teacher Where stories live. Discover now