chapter 2

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chapter 2
-English class-

Ms. Mitchell's POV:
"Reynolds, Savannah." I call out looking for the student that'll be sitting in the seat in front of me. She slightly raises one of her hands and I frozed for a second. She was stunning. I quickly shake that thought and pointed to the seat she's be assigned to. Realization hits me that she'll be sitting right in front of me. There is no way I'm going to be able to focus with her right there.

After getting everyone seated I started to go over procedures and expectations.

"As I already said.. my name is Ms. Mitchell. I'm new here.. and I'd probably be the teacher you hate or the teacher you love. No I'm between,"

After going over what was expected of them this year,

"Does anyone have any questions?" I asked. Everyone shook their heads saying they didn't so I took a seat in my chair just watching as they talked for another 20 minutes until the bell rang. I noticed savannah not talking to anyone. Just sitting there by self. I thought about going to talk to her than I laugh at the thought that she wouldn't probably want to talk to her teacher. As I'm staring at her she turns and looks at me. We make eye contact for about 2 seconds until I break it looking away from her hazel eyes. God she's gorgeous.

5 weeks later.
Savannah's POV:
Schools been great I guess. Only part of my day I get excited for is English. The teacher is so hot in there. It's really a distraction if I don't say so myself.

The worst part of my day is happening right now. The bell rings and while I'm putting my binders in bag Ms. Mitchell comes up by side me and whispers in my ear.

"See me after class," she whispers sending shivers up my spine. I put my back pack over my shoulders and walk in front of her desk where she's now sitting. After everyone exited she gets up and closes the door and sits back down behind her desk. I shift a little kind of a little uncomfortable. She's so hot and I'm nerves to even be breathing the same air as her. "What's going on savannah?" She asks.

"Hm?" I hum confused on what she's talking about.

"Hm?" She mocks me playfully and smiles. Ugh how I love that smile. I try not to smile myself at her playful side that I don't really get to see much often, "you've been failing my class," she says. I don't know how to respond to that so I just say,


"Oh? Is that all you have to say," she says. I don't say anything. My eyes just goes straight to the floor, "hey, look at me," she says. It takes me a minute to finally look directly at her, "is there something going on? Like at home? Or??" She says trying to find the problem. The only problem was how hot she was.

"Uh.. n- no English just isn't my best s- subject," I stuttered out. She just smiles..I have no idea why.

"Do I make you nervous?" She asked.

"Uh- uh no," I say looking away then back at her.

"Mhm Hm," she says standing up, "every day after school come by my classroom so I can tutor you," she states.

"Well- I-," say trying to find an excuse not to come.

"Do you want to fail?" She asked.

"N- no," I say.

"Well you'll take the offer," she smiles, "your dismissed," she says. I nod and walk out of the classroom.

A/N: get yourself prepared for this next chapter. 😭smut warning...

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