chapter 4

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Chapter 4
- study session -

Elizabeth's POV:
Finally the end of the day. Saying goodbye to my last class as they walk out of my room, There she was coming in. Savannah. I loved her name. It really fits her, such a beautiful name.

"Did you hear me?" She asked getting me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, say that again,"

"I asked where do you want me to sit," she asked standing in front of my desk where I was sitting.

"You can pull a chair up and come sit beside me," I say wheeling my chair over to make space for her. What was I thinking? Could I really handle myself around her? She nodded and grabbed a chair from a random desk that was near by and placed it beside me before sitting down in it. I clear my throat as she takes her books out of her bag. As she bends down in the chair leaning over in her bag her shirt raises up and I could see her back. I quickly look away as she raises back up and places the books on top of her lap.

"Oh. You can sit them on the desk. It's fine," I say making room for her books on my messy desk. She nods and sits her books on my desk and starts flipping through pages,

"What page number?" She asked.

"Uh, page 123 I believe," I say. She flips to that page and we start working.

Savannah's POV:
I start to get uncomfortable as I shift in my seat. She so hot. Then she has these glasses on the tip of her nose making her even more hotter.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"Uh. Yeah why?" I questioned.

"I don't think you were listing to a word I just said," she chuckled.

"Oh. I was," I panicked.

"Then you wouldn't have a problem doing problems 1-5 on your own then," she says giving me a smile. Oh god how much I love when she smile. It physically makes me weak.

"Ok," I say. I didn't hear a word she said and I didn't want to ask for help then that means she knows I lied to her. She turns in her chair a little typing on her computer. I tap my pencil not knowing what to do so I just gotten lost in my thoughts.

About a moment later,

"Savannah? You ok?" She asked. Now she's closer to me. Knee to knee.

"Yeah I'm fine," I say.

"You haven't done a single problem since I left you to do it on your own," she says. I began to panic.

"I- Uh," say but stopped by her smiling and placing her hand on my chin lifting it up to look directly at her.

"It's ok," she says, "that's why your here. For my help. Now tell me what your confused on," she says. Felt like a life time she was holding my chin up. She finally let's go and we get back focused on the questions in the book.

Elizabeth's POV:
"Alright. I think we can be done for today," I smile at her. We've been studying for an hour or more.

"Great," she says as she closes her books and starts to put it in her bag. All I could think to myself. What if I did something crazy? I mean doesn't everyone has a little crazy in their life? I mean I would be crazy not to wouldn't I?

She starts to get up and walks to the door.

"Wait!" I call out and stand from my seat. She turned around and looked at me, "uh.. one more thing," I say walking up to her fast and placed a kiss to her lips. She kisses me back as I cupped her face....

To be continued...

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