Chapter 6

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Savannah's POV:
"This permission slips must be turned in by the end of this week! Am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" Most of the class replies.

Ms. Mitchell was handing out some flied trip papers. Once she got to my desk she handed me my paper instead of putting it on my desk like she did the others and made direct eye contact with me. I hid my blush by looking down at the paper. She touched my shoulder before walking off to hand the rest of the papers old. God she's hot.

She walks in front of the class and starts talking about the field trip. God I couldn't even focused on what she was saying she was so hot. She kept making eye contact with me causing me to glance somewhere else.

"The field trip will be held in dc as you see on your paper and we're going to be there for a week. So bring these slips back signed by the end of the week no explanations." She says that last part sternly.

Just as she says that the bell rings. Everyone starts packing up and so do I until Ms. Mitchell came up to me and said,

"Stay after class."  I nod my head and she walks back over to her desk and sits down. I put my back pack on and walk over in front of her desk. She waits to speak until everyone is out.

When everyone is out of the classroom she finally spoke.

"Your going on this field trip right?" She asked.

"Yes." I simply say.

"Well we're going to be sharing a room." She smirks. My eyes widened.

"We a-are?"

"Well I'm in charge of arranging the rooms so once everyone turns in their slips I would make sure you know."

"Oh." I say. "Ok."

"Yeah." She smiles. "You can get to your next class now." I nod and walk out.

Now I couldn't wait for this field trip. I get nerves thinking about it. Sharing a room with Ms. Mitchell? Really? Ugh this week needs to past by fast.

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