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Skyes pov:
We was all sat in the back, Ryder in the front.

I looked out the window, looking at the landscape blur as the mobile went faster. As i was looking in the reflection, i caught myself looking at Chases's reflection. Almost all the pups knew about my crush on Chase, ever since well... forever.

However, there is one day where i made it obvious. One of my firdt days here at the paw patrol!

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I was in my pup house, upset because i had got tug in tag and i wasnt fast enough to catch anyone. I sat there, alone, whimpering. I had made an utter fool of myself what was they going to think, that i cant take care of myself!

Suddenly, Chase walked over to my puphouse.
"Hey, are you okay?" He smiled, i stared at his smile till i realised what i was doing. I stood up and ran past him and over to the others.

"Why did you run away from Chase?" Zuma asked, confused.
I looked at him and looked at my paws,
"I.. i dont know but... i... i.." i sat down, making a fool of myself again.

Chase ran over to me,
"Are you okay? You ran away from me, did i do something?" He asked, a slight crack in his voice. Did i upset him?
"Yeah im fine" i smiled, he made me feel.. needed, wanted... part of their group! The others came around us and we started playing a new game of tag.

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I cringed, thinking of that day, i was a little pup then. I looked at Chase's reflection again, his smile lighting my whole world. I looked away from the reflection and turned to the other pups, who were sat there talking. We all wondered why we was going to Adventure City.

We all faced to look at Ryder,
"Ryder, why are we going to Adventure City?" Marshal questioned, tapping his paws. He is ALWAYS moving, even in his sleep! He always sleep talked and occasionally sleep walking/running!

"Well, Mayor Humdigger has just been elected as mayor and we need to help some fellow dogs!" He answered, keeping his eyes on the road,
"Talking about Adventure City, were almost there!" I saw him look at Chase in the reflection of the window.

As we sat back down, Rubble started dragging one of his suitcases into the middle of the floor, and we all just stared. What was he doing!!

It snapped open, making Chase jump. We saw it was pilled with dog treats and we all dug in!
"Time to dive in!" Zuma said, diving into the suitcase of food, making it go everywhere.

I sighed, boys. I ate only a few because i wanted to eat when we got to the City.

As i sat there, the boys all fell asleep. I had Rocky on one side of me, and Chase on the other. I started to daydream about the City, when Rocky tilted in his sleep landing onto my shoulder. I looked over to Chase, wanting to wake him up when he also fell, his head on my other shoulder. I hope we get to the City soon, i dont want to be sat like this for a long time.

As we arrived in the city, ryder called up over. As i hopped down, Rocky and Chase collided with the soft seats, waking them up. Then it caused a chain reaction because they alm finally woke up! I had heard enough of Rubbles snoring and Marshals sleeptalking. Zuma just always looks like hes going to wake up at the slightest noice. And then there was Rocky and Chase who had been snoring in my ears the whole ride. I was the first to look and see the city, well, other than ryder. We saw a smile on his face, wondering why hes so happy to see the City. Didnt he grow up here with his mum and dad? How would we know, he doesnt tell us anything!

"Pups, go sit down, were about to arrive at our new lookout tower!"

We all listened to him and sat down.

When we walked into the walk tower, i saw a new puptreat dispenser and there was alottt of space here! I was going to enjoy out stay here.

"Look at this!" Ryder exlamed, pushing a button to his right,
Suddenly, a blue holagram apeared on the floor, startling Marshal.

"You should warn me before sticking a building up my nose!"
We all laughed, typical Marshal.

I looked at Chase and he looked upset.. i wish i could do something to help!

Suddenly we heared a noise in a different room. I looked around ajd saw we was all in here! We all looked over to Ryder whos face had lit up.

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We watched as Ryder made his way to the other room and i hesitated before we all headed behind him.

When we all walked into the room, we saw Ryder talking to a ... girl? Well, none of us thought he had a sweetheart. I thought he only had eyes on Katie!

 I thought he only had eyes on Katie!

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