The Before.

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"I don't remember much from my first few years. Heck, I barely remember my life up to nine. It all slurred together after a period of time. The crash. I remember the crash. That is a memory that has burned itself into my brain. It's a broken record.

I do not wish to get into the details about it...

After the men in blue found me wandering around the city, I was transferred to an orphanage not too far away. That's were I met the first real friend I've ever had. He was thirteen when I arrived, yet he still stuck around me and conversed with me.

If I'm being honest with myself, I don't know why he even stuck around me. Maybe it was out of pity? Or just because he was lonely. He said he was a bad kid. He didn't act that way around me. Or The Mothers. They would never allow any behavior like that.

Other kids, however, did get to see his bad side. The boy that shared a room with me claimed that he went to jail. I thought that was ridiculous because he was thirteen.

When I asked him, I got a response that I didn't expect.

'Yea. I've been to jail before.' He sounded almost nonchalant.

I was shocked to say the least.
'You've been to jail?! For what?' I chipped lightly. I would never speak too loudly in fear of pissing him off. My friend let out a small laugh.
'Shoplifting in a supermarket. It was my fault for letting the big salesman catch me in the act. I should've been more careful...' He said that last part more as a mumble to himself. He still spoke loud enough for me to hear.

Him and I looked out for each other until he got adopted. That was a heart wrenching moment for me. No one can blame me though, he was my first and only true friend.

'Frank Lee Morris,' Mother Mary spoke from the back door of the orphanage, "Your new family has come for you. Say goodbye to who you need. We'll be waiting." The woman stepped back inside and walked to the lobby where his new parents patiently awaited him.

I stared at Frank. It made me feel embarrassed at the time, but tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. I didn't know what to do. Frank seemed to have noticed this because he gestured for me to hug him. I immediately launched into his arms. I don't think I've ever hugged someone harder in my whole life. Tears threatening to spill is what caused me to pull away from him. I think he got a bit emotional too. His hands rubbed against his eyes when I looked back.

We separated for a few years. I remember when he returned 5 years later. Frank was sent back to be 'reformed'. To hell with that.

The men in blue escorted him there. He was almost put in jail for armed robbery. Luckily, a mother saw him and quickly convinced the police to let the mothers take care of him.

Some of the older boys at the orphanage had it in over their heads and immediately went to pick on Frank.
'Hey, tough guy. Why don't you show your worth to us? You almost robbed a bank. Handling us should be no big deal, right guys?' The leader spoke to his little goons who nodded in agreement.

These dudes were all five foot ten or above. Poor Frank was only five foot seven. He put up a nice fight. He took down most of them, including the main goony. People surrounded the area and chanted 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' at the scene before them. I squeezed my way into the crowed just as a big dude put his arm around Frank's neck from behind.

Something in me ticked when I saw it happen. I don't know what it was, but I rushed the big guy with my shoulder. I'm a skinny guy, so I have pretty sharp shoulders. He let go of Frank and whipped around. He quickly threw a punch at me. I didn't stand a chance against him. I went down instantly.

Frank jumped on him and landed punches until finally a mother was called out to deal with everything. The boys who started it got punished for starting fights. Me and Frank were escorted to the nurse. I smiled and waved to him. I don't think he recognized me.

'You seem familiar. Thanks for helping me back there. I appreciate it, man.' ... His response hurt a bit. I fell silent and turned my head away. The mother behind us laughed slightly at his obliviousness.

The nurse who worked there patched us up before sending us back to our room. Frank had gotten placed in my room in the extra bed. I sat down and sighed slightly. Frank looked towards the drawing on the wall. It was done by the both of us back when he was still there.

... he gasped.
'Adam?! Is that your name?!!' Frank's eyes were wide. He looked astonished despite my lack of an answer.
'Yep. Hey, Frank.' I smiled softly at him. I still didn't want to piss him off, so I didn't make any dramatic motions.

We spent the next two days catching up, talking, and hanging out with each other. I missed him more than I realized. The month he was there went way too quickly. He turned 18 the next day. We hugged. I cried. He told me he had a special gift for me, despite it being his birthday. I will never forget the gift he gave me. I couldn't have asked for anything more from him.

Then, we had to part ways again. It was going to be another four years until I could start to chase him down again. However, god had different plans for me.

'Adam Ramsey. Please come inside.' It was very nerve racking to be called inside by the mothers. I went inside and was greeted by two women.
'These two lovely ladies are adopting you, Adam. Your belongings are already in their car. Enjoy your new life.' The mother quickly shooed us outside.

'It's very nice to meet you, I'm Katrina. This is my wife, Eliza.' That sentence changed my entire life.

They took me back to their house. It turns out they are from the future and work for some part of the government. Their assignment was to go to the past and adopt a child for a case they were working on. I don't think much of it. I'm just glad I have a loving home with my mom, mama and Gerald. Gerald is our fancy pigeon."

The little girl in front of me was astonished at the story that was just told to her, I may have gone a bit overboard with it. I chuckled lightly as she fell back dramatically.
"You're from the past, Adam?!" She yelled. I let out a hum of agreement. Eliza walked in with two plates.
"Rosalie. Stop pestering your brother and eat." She set the plates down in front of us. I gave her a small kiss on the cheek to say thank you.
"Thank you, mama." Rosalie chirped in between bites.

I took a bite of sandwich and took my wallet out. I looked to a photo strip. It was me and Frank the day before he had to go. For my gift, he took me to an amusement park. The last two photos in the strip always catches my eyes.

My heart caught a flutter as I stared at the last photo. My face was flustered as Frank had a small smirk on his lips. My eyes wandered to the picture before that.

Frank's lips were on mine.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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