13🌸Men these days

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Funny filler chapter

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Funny filler chapter

~Song Recommendation : That That by PSY ft Suga

-No one's Pov-

"I can't let you go out in this weather as well, how about you stay the night ?"

Jungkook stayed quiet for few seconds, thinking about what Mrs.Kim said, should he?? What about their privacy??wait where will he sleep and SHIT HE DOESNT HAVE CLOTHES-

We all know mothers somehow, get to know everything, he heard Mrs.Kim chuckling . "Don't worry dear, you're always welcome here, and you can borrow some comfortable clothes from Jimin if you want."

"Are you sure Mrs Kim? Plus where will I sleep? I don't really wanna be a bother-"

"abSolUtE nOnsEnSe, you're just like my son and you can either sleep on the couch, it's comfortable, or Jimin's room, this boy manages to sleep anywhere, guess he'll sleep next to Taetae."

Jungkook hummed for a while before speaking "Okay, thank you Mrs Kim." He sent a smile towards the lady who smiled back, then went towards the living room to find Taehyung in his Pjs, cuddling a blanket, while Jimin next to him stroking his hair.

"Petal guess what"

"Hm?" Taehyung lifted his head up to look at the florist, who sat next to him and pecked his forehead, Jimin glaring at him while he did so. "I'm staying in tonight, I hope you don't mind that."

Hearing this, Taehyung's eyes widened and a huge smile appeared on his face. "Sleepover?! YAY!-" he was about to stand up and celebrate but both males held him down.

"I'm staying here to take care of you, and because of the weather outside okay? Now lay down."

Taehyung huffed. "I'm not that sick- acHoUu!" Looks like he spoke too fast, the other two males gave him an unimpressed look.

Jungkook cleared his throat, looking at the blond male. "Uhm so, can I borrow some clothes ?" He asked, making Jimin look at him. "Yeah sure, follow me." With that they stood up and went to Jimin's room.


"Grey is better than black."

The other scoffed. "How dare you say that? You have no sense of fashion." Jungkook crossed his arms, glaring at the grey shirt Jimin offered him.

"Me? No sense of fashion? Look who's talking." Jimin rolled his eyes and went to search for a black shirt in his closet, he got one along with some grey sweats and threw them at Jungkook who caught them with an offended expression on his face.

"Is this how you treat your guests?"

"Is this how you get my permission to be with Taetae?"

"Why would I need your permission?"

By now you can imagine a glaring competition between the two males, one holding a hanger in his hand while the other one is holding a shirt, ready to attack.

"Um, guys?" Taehyung's voice was heard along with his footsteps getting closer to the room, the two males put innocent smiles on their faces while Jimin threw the hanger somewhere.

Taehyung got into the room covered with his blanket over his head, his nose red and lips pouty.

"Oh hey." Both males replies in sync, glaring at each other not too long after.

Taehyung blinked then shook his head. "Anyways, mom finished my soup can we watch a movie please?"

"Sure Tae I'm just giving some clothes two Jungkook, you can select a movie until I convince him that grey is better than black." Jimin said, sending a smile towards Taehyung, aware of the small punch on his shoulder by the florist.

Taehyung gave them a weird look before speaking ."How about purple?"

"No." The both replied, making the youngest roll his eyes.

"Men these days." He muttered, getting out of the room.

After Taehyung's leave by a few seconds, both males stared at each other.





"Shut up and be thankful I'm giving you my clothes and my room for tonight."

"I'd prefer the couch cause you pillow probably stinks."

"Says the one who smells like a whole garden."

"Excuse me?"


Taehyung put the soup down when he saw a pouty Jungkook entering the living room, sitting next to him on the couch.

"What's wrong Koo?" He asked, earning a huff from the other.

"This annoying guy said I smell like a garden." He whined, crossing his arms and staring at the TV.

Taehyung giggled, putting his legs on Jungkook's lap who smiled by the move but didn't dare to touch his legs without the his consent so he kept his arms crossed.

"Don't worry Koo, chim can be annoying sometimes but he's the sweetest." The skater said as he grabbed his bowl of soup and handed it to Jungkook who gave him a questioning look.

"Can you feed me? My hands hurt."

Looks like sick Taehyungie likes to be spoiled.

Jungkook sighed. "Sure petal." He took the bowl and with that he started feeding Taehyung who had a red tint on his cheeks, either because of the cold either something else maybe?

After few minutes Jimin came, throwing a glare at Jungkook who rose an eyebrow at him (as if mocking him), while Taehyung stared at the two trying to suppress his giggles.

And with that the three spent some time watching a fantasy movie chosen by Taehyung, soon enough the three of them fell asleep on the couch-

When Mrs Kim came to check on them before going to sleep she laughed at the view she saw in front of her, Jimin laying on the floor with a bowl of popcorn next to him, Jungkook slept while sitting on the couch, laying his head on some pillow, and Taehyung laying on the couch with his lower body resting in Jungkook.

She took the empty soup bowl and went out of the living room with a smile on her face, not forgetting to take a picture to tease them later of course .

1090+ words

Heya sweets!!! How are you?

How's the chapter ?? Didn't really have that much ideas so a filler would do— it was a fun one to write,

And don't expect me to be the funny type aight? My humor is dead I can literally laugh if I saw someone drinking water like a normal human should do.

Ignore this, next

Do you want this book to be 20 chapters or 25? How's the title of this chapter??💀 and I don't don't it offensive considering I'm a male myself lol dw-
Grey or black??

How's my new profile? I changed it after 7 months lOl-

Anyways, stay healthy and take care of yourself okay??


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