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-short filler chapter since the next is gon' be long and quite important and idK

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-short filler chapter since the next is gon' be long and quite important and idK

~Song Recommendation :____

-No one's Pov-


Morning koo!

Kookie <3

Morning petal, how are you?

Petal 🌷

I'm good how about you??? Did you go to work yet??

Kookie <3

I was actually about to head out now soo

Petal 🌷

I just wanted to ask if it's okay for me to get tannie with me today 🥺?

Kookie <3

Of course you can you don't have to ask for my permission petal :))


yay!! Thanks Koo
see you later🧸💞

Kookie <3

See you ❤️

Jungkook looked at his screen with a soft smile on his face before putting his phone in his pocket.

"Hey bam!" He called, putting on his shoes, and few seconds later he felt something licking his cheek, he smiled and patted bam's head.

"I think it's time for you to get a new friend yeah?" Jungkook said, making title his head to the side in confusion. The florist chuckled and grabbed the leash , attaching it to Bam's collar.

A minute or two later after checking that he did not forget anything, he opened the door and headed out of his house. Locking the door behind him, he looked around, the sun was there, but it was still a bit chilly.

He just hopes Taehyung wears something warm to not get sick again.

He started walking towards the direction of his shop, it wasn't really that far, just a nice five to ten minute walk, it can just get a little harder when bam is with him since that big boi keeps chasing the birds here and there.

"Aight here we go." Jungkook sighed and unlocked the door of his shop, taking the leash of bam and putting it aside, before going inside his cabinet, putting on his apron and taking his gloves to put them on the counter for later use.

Then he walked towards the door and turned the "closed" sign to "open", along with opening few windows.

Now all what's left to do is arranging some flowers outside and then he can make his coffee while waiting for Taehyung to come.


"Taking a walk is soooo boring and tiring, you're a big deal tannie." Taehyung whined, he almost reached the flower shop but it's been five minutes and he's venting to Yeontan about how tiring walking is.

Welp he couldn't get his skateboard because how are you supposed to ride a skateboard when you have a pet with you-

Anyways, once they arrived at the shop Taehyung pushed the door open and got inside, followed by yeontan.

"Koo?" Taehyung called, looking around cause the older is nowhere in sight until-

"Hey pet- ouch! Bam no-Hey petal!" Jungkook's voice came from behind the counter.

Taehyung rose an eyebrow and went behind the counter, only to find the florist lead on the floor, with bam beside him trying to bite the flowers in his hands.

The younger male couldn't help but giggle at the sigh, "bam come here!" He called the dog who in the speed of light lost interest in the flowers and jumped on Taehyung.

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief as he got up and adjusted his clothes, putting the flowers on the counter . "Thanks for that."

"No worries Koo, I'm glad you brought bam so he can play with tan- wait where is tannie?" Taehyung scanned the place trying to find the little fluffball, who was actually running around the place, soon joined by bam.

"I think they're already getting along" Jungkook mumbled, to which Taehyung nodded, then he turned to Jungkook.

"Hug?" He asked, making grabby hands towards the florist who immediately wrapped his arms around him.

"I swear my mornings are better with you." Jungkook whispered into the younger's ear, sending shivers down his spine.

Taehyung's cheeks heated up and a shy smile appeared on his lips, flattered by the other's words.

"So.. can you make me hot chocolate?"

"..." and here goes Jungkook's attempt at being romantic. But it's not like he can say no.

"Sure." He said, pulling away but not without messing Taehyung's hair, to which he received a glare in return.

"Meanie, I was thinking of helping you out today, see I even wore my favorite shoes!" Taehyung explained, pointing at his white converse.

"Hey I'm making you hot choco here and you're calling me a meanie?"

"You messed my hair!"

"Petal are you sure you woke up on the right side of the bed this morning?"

Taehyung thought for a while. "No I think I woke up on the left side?"

"That's not what I meant but okay." Jeongguk sighed and shook his head. "are you free tonight?" He asked.

Taehyung shrugged and pulled out his phone. "I'm not sure, depends if mom needs help in something, why?"

Jungkook nodded. "I just want to take— I mean i want to show you something-" he stuttered, a light shade of red coloring his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck avoiding eye contact with the younger.

The light of excitement can be seen in Taehyung's eyes as he smiled widely. "A surprise??"

The florist paused for a second then nodded."you can say so."

"I can't wait— tannie get off here!"

930+ words

Yep wasn't my best since things are gonna start to get interesting now, sorry for the delay if the update Wattpad was being a mf to me :')))

But yeah here's a dose of fluff ! :))(kinda)

How are you sweets ??? I miss you so much <333

I'm dying here 🗿


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