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~Song Recommendation : BTBT- B

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~Song Recommendation : BTBT- B.I ft DeVita

-No one's Pov-


Putting on his cute bright red skirt, along with a white shirt under the black jacket and a pair of black converse, Taehyung was getting ready to go to a certain florist.

He had to stay a few more days at home to totally recover, and now that he's healthy and the weather is clear along with some cool wind, he's ready to go out again and repeat his usual routine with his lovely skateboard.

But something was different today.

He mentally prepared himself to talk to his mother about it, he has been thinking about it for the past few weeks.

After styling his hair and putting on some perfume, he headed towards the living room where his mom was sipping her tea while watching the TV.

He sat next to her on the couch and cuddled with the hem of his skirt, not sure how to start.


"Hm? Yes dear? I see you're all ready to go see Jungkook huh?" She asked with a knowing smile on her face, making Taehyung's cheeks heat up.

"Y-yeah but I wanted to talk to you about something first.. please?" He asked showing his famous pout and puppy eyes, knowing his mom isn't a fan of important conversations in the calm morning.

Of course she couldn't resist and nodded her head, putting the cup of tea down to pay attention to her son. "Go ahead dear, is something bothering you?" She asked, concerned.

"It's n-not that I'm just.. confused about something? Yeah you can say that."

Mrs.Kim nodded her head and signed for him to continue so he started.

"Lately, or for the past few weeks, I have been thinking about Koo way too much, a-and when he's around me I always feel butterflies in my tummy, I also feel safe with him, i feel safe with you and jiminie too of course.. but it's somehow different, do I like kookie? What's going on mom?" He asked at the end, hiding his pink cheeks after the confession.

On the other hand Mrs Kim smiled fondly at her son, bringing him close for a hug. "Aww my baby is in love." She squealed, tickling Taehyung's sides causing the male to giggle.

Few minutes later they calmed down, Taehyung took a deep breathe and asked. "But how am I supposed to tell him? What if he doesn't like me back?" He frowned and crossed his arms, the overthinker in him taking over.

His mother scoffed. "You should see the way he looks at you." She mumbled and took a sip of her tea.


"I mean,have you seen how he's always here for you and taking care of you despite? And I'm sure he opened up to you about lots of stuff too sweetie, plus his big smile once you run in his arms says it all, young love." His mother dramatically sighed.

"I don't know.. but thanks mom!" He said, kissing her cheek before standing up and grabbing his skateboard.

"Goodbye!" With that he left, Mrs Kim shook her head with a smile on her face.

"Your dad would've been the happiest seeing you like this."


"Daisies send a get-well-soon message to the person, I'm sure your husband will love them." Jungkook smiled to a customer, handing her the bouquet of daisies which she took.

"They're so cute thanks for your help sir!" The lady smiled, paying for the flowers before rushing out of the shop.

Jeongguk sighed, it hasn't been few hours into the day and there were lots of customers already, probably because the bad weather is finally clear and shops are opening again.

He re-arranged some flowers and made his coffee, leaning on the counter deciding to scroll on his phone until the next customers come.

However, his ears perked up at the sound of something rolling, a skateboard!

After a few seconds of shuffling , the door opened revealing a smiley Taehyung, who closed the door behind him and put the skateboard aside before running to the male."Koo !"

And jungkook was quick to let go of his phone and coffee and catch the cutie who ran into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Petal, i missed you"

"I missed you too Koo."

They hugged for another minute before pulling away, then Jungkook let Taehyung sit on the counter as he went back to sipping his coffee.

"Soo how's it going today?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook shrugged. "It's good overall , there were lots of customers, beneficial and tiring at the same time, what about you petal?"

"Nothing really just gonna continue taking one of the medicines for few more days otherwise I'm good, but Chim got sick." Taehyung said, pouting at the end concerned about his friend.

It's probably because they cuddled why Taehyung's asleep hehe.

"I Hope he gets well, if you or Mrs Kim need help in anything I'm here okay?" He said, pecking Taehyung's temple and setting the now empty mug of coffee down.

Meanwhile Taehyung smiled shyly at the small but cute gesture, fiddling with the zipper of his jacket.

Jungkook looked at him with a smile, deciding to tease him. "Why is your face so red? Do you still have fever?" He spoke, putting his hand on the male's forehead who quickly shook his head.

"No! It's just um-"

The florist smirked. "Just what?"



"None of your business! Hmph." Taehyung huffed at the end and crossed his arms, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh is that so?"

".. no no— koo no!" Taehyung new the face Jungkook was giving him and tried to jump off the counter to run but Jungkook was quick to catch him and give him a tickle attack.

Only laugher could be heard from the two males inside the shop, Taehyung having tears in his eyes as the older kept tickling his sides.

"I hope you liked your punishment." Jungkook chuckled and let go of Taehyung who took a deep breathe and wiped his tears, why is everyone tickling him today.

"You're a meanie." He mumbled, pouting at Jungkook who shrugged.

"None oF yOuR BuSiNESs." He mocked, looking at Taehyung and then looking somewhere else, before making a run for his life.

"Come back here you bunny!!"

And you can say this went on for the rest of the day, excluding the times when a customer was present.. maybe.

1070+ words

HEY SWEETS I MISS U, how was the chapter?

Sorry for not updating lately, I was on vacation and then something came up, and then my phone acted crazy yesterday idk💀💀👍

How are you? :3

My family pranked me and then a fake bug at me, I let out a not so manly scream I didn't know I have this pitch like damn😭


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