Passed out

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Recap: I looked at the mirror curiously and  as my eyes lay on my body I got flustered

Holy shit.. I can tell why the passed out. I then stared at their bodies on the ground. Well I can do one of two things, I could either steal their money, leave them there and escape this hellhole or I could help them. Well I am a nice person, that and I'd probably get arrested if I did that, plus maybe it's not so bad with them.. wait no! What am I even thinking.

I kneeled down and flipped Karl over, I carried him to the bed. I then went to sapnap and I tried my best to carry him but he's a bigger guy than Karl so I just dragged him by his arm. It took like 10 mins just to get him on the bed. I sit on the bed exhausted. There was blood all over their clothes so the thought came to my head. I cover my face with my hands blushing, completely flustered as I imagined me changing them. I got up from the bed.

"No no no no!! I am not changing them, thats weird! Ugh I need the money, we're all guys anyways why would it even matter. I'm straight!!! I think" I say out loud ranting to myself while walking in circles. It's not a big deal, I think looking at them. It's not a big deal Alex, stop making it gay. I take a breath and looked away while unbuttoning Karls shirt, I took a peak because I couldn't feel where the last few buttons were. I screamed. "AAAAHHHH" I walk backwards and bump into the wall falling over. I get up to see if they woke up from my screams. They were still sleeping, I walk a litter closer and gaze at Karl's abs. Woah, dudes ripped. Wait.. why am I saying this stuff. Alex get your shit together! I quickly took the shirt off and there was drips running down his abs, he was still red from all that blushing, so I figured I'd let him be without a shirt, just because its hot, yeah.. thats all. His body temperature wasn't the only thing hot though. I looked away while unzipping his pants and changing him into some shorts. 

Now for sapnap, I found myself staring at his beautiful dark brown eyes, I quickly snap out of it and unbuttoned his shirt, holy shit. They are both buff as fuck. I never thought I'd have experienced this ever but here I am looking at 2 ripped shirtless men on my bed. I start unzipping his pants while looking away, it was really stuck so I yanked it and.. *BOINK!!*  I turned my head immediately and I found myself looking at sapnaps crotch, it looked so big, so huge... so- AHH!! I cant be describing another man's penis, that's way too gay. I wiped off the drool from my mouth, slapped myself, and while flustered as fuck, and put krissed pants on sapnap. 

Phew, now thats done, I grab an wipe and wipe the blood off of their nose, cleaned the blood on the floors, and did some cleaning. I went back to my room to check on them and they are still passed out, jeez. I sit on the bed criss cross apple sauce, put my hands on my face, and stared at Karl, then to sapnap, then my eyes followed down. I don't know what got into me ! but  I couldn't stop looking. My hands slowly go down to his crotch. "like what you see?" 

It was sapnap. I in shock look at him and then at my hand then quickly pulled my hand away. I looked at him with widened eyes and in shock I blurted out "I- UM THAT.. IT ... I WASN'T TRYING TO!" Sapnap puts a finger on  my lips. He looked at my lips and licked his. He pulled me in by the back of my neck and said "If you really want it that bad. Fine I'll give it to you." My eyes widen and I turn red. Sapnap chuckled. I felt another hand on my shoulder, "Can I join in on the fun? Let's see how much our little Alex can take~" oh my gosh. 


IM WRITING NEXT ONE THIS WEEK FOR SURE,  THATS A PROMISE!! if I'm not busy maybe I'll write the next chapter today!! Ahh I love you all thanks for the support and I promise to be more active!!

<3 - Eli

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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