2 (elmax)

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eleven and max have been close friends for quite a few months now. el used to hate max, because she had witnessed her boyfriend, mike, sharing a few giggles with her. although they weren't dating yet, she still despised the sight of it. she even used her powers to mess with max, but all of that was behind her now. after mike and el had a big argument, eleven started to hangout with max. she liked having the company of a girl, since the two following years she had only guy friends (which were just mikes). they always loved doing things like reading wonder woman comics, shopping, listening to music and spying on their male friends. they found it extremely funny, especially since they didn't even know about ease dropping the two girls did. they related to each other a lot, which is probably one of the main reasons why they're good friends for each other to have.

it was a friday night, el and max had planned on having a sleepover after max got out of school. since el had known what time she got out of school, she just left a few minutes after then. hopper had finally gotten her a bike to ride so that she could have easier transportation to places.

as el was on her way to max's house, it started pouring the rain. she tried to pedal faster, but it didn't necessarily help getting her to shelter faster. when she finally made it, she knocked on the front door. although her shoes were soggy, her hair was dripping and her clothes were soaked, she thought to herself "nothing can ruin this night still." max opened the door with a big smile on her face, but it slowly faded into a slight worried expression. "hey el, i'm guessing you didn't escape from the rain?" she said while giving a small giggle. el laughed and entered through the door. "here, we'll go get you some dry clothes." max told eleven, as she helped her take off the jacket she was wearing. as they walked to max's room, they caught a glimpse of billy doing push-ups in his room. he was oddly determined, which made the two teens laugh.

max gave el a pair of gray sweat pants, an oversized blue sweatshirt a pair of white socks, and a towel so she could dry her hair. she could see that el was shivering, so she wanted to make her as warm as possible. "wait here, i'm gonna go make some hot cocoa and get some extra blankets." max said while exiting the room. el looked around the room while wringing out her wet hair. anytime she was in there, she was amazed by the bright posters on her walls. they made her slightly happy on the inside. she had also felt extremely safe in that room as well. el sighed as she through herself back on the bed. "you better not be getting tired on me already, it's only 5:00!" max said walking in, hands filled with two mugs of hot chocolate and arms filled with big, fluffy blankets. "sorry, i'm just exhausted for some odd reason." el replied, giving the red head a smile. max slightly blushed while placing the cups down on her nightstand. she had a bit of an interest in el. it confused the hell out of her because she's never liked girls before, but el was different. she had the most beautiful smile that she'd ever seen. she tried to get rid of the crush, knowing el was extremely in love with mike, but it would just never go away. she threw a blanket at el, turned out a few lights and grabbed the remote for her tv before lying on her bed.

they wrapped themselves tightly in the covers and sipped on their hot cocoa while watching sixteen candles. she rented it at family video, and thought they'd enjoy it. max shuffled over to el a little more, so that they could be closer. she glanced over at her, but didn't really pay any attention to the movement. max smiled a little, but it quickly went away after hearing a knock at her door. "dinners ready girls! you can bring your food into here if you'd like!" max's mom said. max was a little sad, she enjoyed the comfort of how they already were at that time. she paused the movie, and they both left to get their meals.

after finishing their plates, the movie only had a few minutes left. they finished watching it, and max got up to turn the lights back on. she took their dishes into the kitchen, and coming back to her bedroom with eleven lying on her side, back to the door. just lying in silence. max closed the door, slightly worried for her friend. "hey," she said while walking over to her, sitting on the floor and staring up at her face, "is everything ok?" eleven sighed. "i don't know, i've just been feeling like mike has started to not love me anymore. he's been hanging out with me less, and spending an odd amount of time with will instead." after saying that... max had already known what was going on between mike and will. it was pretty easy to guess, she had already known will was crushing on mike hard. maybe mike liked will too? she didn't know, but she didn't want to mention it to el.

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