Chapter 1 - A Cold Night

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It was 7:34 pm on the pacific west ship headed to Antarctica a few people stood closely they were talking about the journey "its sure gonna be a cold one" mumbled the grey wolf standing on its hind legs "well I better sleep" said Alex 7 hours passed and the night turned into day "morning already better get ready" said Alex 2 hours passed they were nearing the end of the route "chilly day eh?" said the blueish grey fox standing on hind legs too "yeah never been here before" said alex "hm lots to learn then" said the blueish grey fox "oh btw im Alirn" said Alirn "nice name its definitely cold" said alex "ugh too true" frostily responded Alirn "hey I gotta go and pack some stuff to move into the base meet again soon cya" said alex Swiftly "alright cya" said alirn

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