Chapter 2 - Entering Base

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Alex rushed around his cabin packing his stuff and hurried out the door to the deck "right everyone its time to go have a good time with research and be careful this isn't a holiday this is antartica the harshest place on earth" yelled the captain everyone went to the base and started setting lab experiments up "Oh hey alex!, Hows it going" Said Alirn "its going good ive started work on a project and uhm how are you" responded Alex "oh im good ill let you get on I need to set up too cya" Said Alirn "Okay thanks cya" said alex its been 2 hours and the research proved unsuccessful "hm its 6:34 pm already? I better get some food and read my novel" said alex.  Alex went to the cafeteria and grabbed some food "thatll do" alex ate his food and someone tapped his sholder "hello alex" said alirn "oh hey hows it going alirn" said alex "good I thought we should stretch our legs go on the quads and have a bit of fun the radars read clear weather" said alirn "hmm okay let me finish eating" said alex "alright also bit of news, I heard theres a movie night next week" said alirn "oh really that's intresting what is it" responded alex with his mouth full "harry potter which is weird considering how harry potter takes one weekend to finish maybe even longer" said alirn "indeed also how did your research go" said alex "good I got some results but other then that nothing what about you" responded alirn "nothing at all also im nearly finished" said alex "oh that's a shame also they are making a library" said alirn "oh okay im finished lets go outside" said alex

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