Chapter 3 - Bad idea

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The two walked out the cafeteria and into the airlock "okay so I thought we could do a patrol and then look around" said alex putting his suit on "sure good idea actually Ill radio the base operator" responded alirn "okay ill start the airlock" said alex "okay" said alirn. he spoke into the walki talki "this is AAEEL591 radioing to ask patrol permission" responded the base manager "clear do a quick patrol-" the signal breaks off "huh odd" said alirn "okay lets get outta here and do a patrol" alex said "okay you do back ill do front meet in middle" said Alirn "okay roger that" said alex. They both split off and walked the different ways" 10 minutes later they meet up "hello alex, anything look odd?" said alirn "hello alirn, no thankfully you?" responded alex "no nothing lets go explore" said alirn "okay follow me" said alex. 20 minutes later "alex im worried the weather looks like a condition 2 headed into a condition 1" spoke alirn worried "hmm this is bad we should find a cave" said alex

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