Part 1

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Optimus Prime remembers the time where he first met Bumblebee on Cybertron, He was dealing with Decepticon troops when he saw Bumblebee, who was only at a child-like state of his spark at the time, being cornered by another group of Decepticon troops, so Optimus pushes the other troops out of the way and shoots the ones cornering the young, soon to be scout, and carries him back to the Autobot base, where Optimus then trains him, teaches him right from wrong, and treats him like a son. He continues looking at Lockdown try his best to repair Bumblebee, in his mind, Optimus says:

Optimus Prime: I don't like seeing Bumblebee like this, I'll just leave for now. Lockdown, continue the repairs, and tell me when the repairs are done.

Lockdown: Will do, Prime..

Optimus walks out to tell the Autobots the news while Lockdown continues the repairs on Bumblebee.

Optimus Prime: ...He will be remembered for all he has done for us.

Grimlock: Me Grimlock will miss Bee Man

Arcee: I wish I could have more time with Bee.

Hot Rod: I enjoyed working with him, Bumblebee was such a great guy, like me.

Jazz: I'll miss the guy, he was a excellent partner.

Hound: But I'm glad Megatron is dead, by the way, what will the Decepticons even do without him?

Optimus Prime: That is the question everyone will ask, Hound, even the Decepticons. But even then they won't be gone, they'll search for a new leader.

Crosshairs: Probably won't be Starscream though, he's an idiot.

Drift: I agree on the "he's an idiot" part.

Optimus Prime: Don't be too sure about it, Crosshairs and Drift, it could be anyone worthy enough to lead the Decepticons. Until then, we'll have kill them all.

Everybody looks at Optimus with a surprised look

Jazz: Jeez Optimus, I didn't expect that to come out of your mouth.

Optimus Prime: I- Apologize. I need some alone time.

Optimus transforms and leaves the base while the rest of the Autobots discuss it. Meanwhile at the Decepticon Base...

Soundwave: Starscream.

Starscream: ...What is it, Soundwave?

Soundwave: Grindor needs you to look at this, Follow me.

Starscream: Alright, since I have nothing better to do.

Soundwave walks Starscream to the thing Grindor needed to show them.

Starscream: By the Allspark....

Starscream: By the Allspark

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