the healing

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It's been three months since the shooting. The NCA isn't sure if Turner is ready for the field just yet. They are scheduling a psychiatric exam tomorrow at 7:30 in the mornings. Turner goes in to the psychiatric's office. The physiatrist says "Hello I'm George Huang and I'm going to just see if you're okay." Turner says "Can't I just go back to work already, everything with me is fine!" Huang says "I've worked with hundreds of victims who say they are okay, but they are secretly hiding their emotions inside. I'm just going to ask you a few questions. How did you feel after you shot him?" Turner replies "I felt good because that man was dead, he was a murderer!" Huang asks "Would you kill someone like him again if you had the chance, and if he surrendered." Turner replies "Only if I feel that he would kill again! Is there anything wrong with that?"

Huang asks "Do you regret shooting that man?" Turner screams "I ALREADY TOLD YOU I AM GLAD HE IS DEAD." Huang asks "Do you have a bad temper?" Turner replies "Yes I do but it does not affect my job." Huang asks "Have you ever hurt someone out of anger?" "Sort of I guess." Huang says "Ok Agent Turner you need to help yourself. You have a bad temper, plus you do not consider killing criminals a bad thing. You can get healed but you must still see a Psychiatrist once a week for 3 months." Turner replies in a angry tone "Why should I still see a psychiatrist? There is nothing wrong with me!" Huang says "Listen if you do not help yourself you will be fired from your job, you will hurt someone you love, and you will probably be in prison." Turner asks "How do you start the healing process?" Huang says "You must first confront your anger and give yourself a name." Turner asks "What is the name of my anger.? Huang says "Trigger Happy." Turner now leaves the office since it's late at night. He goes home to his house in Virginia. He now pours himself a glass of scotch, and slowly drinks the night away.

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