the revenger part one

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"The man's name is Michael Berry!" Turner shouted. Parker calls Sullivan and asks, "Hey we need everything you have on Michael Berry." Sullivan then says, "Okay let me pull it up. Let's see he has a record that I'm sure you already know of so I'll skip that. Let's see he was released out of prison two years ago and was living with his mother for a while in Tampa. I would check there, but I believe he moved out." The mothers address is 82-47 Pine Dr. and Maple St. We get in our Suv's and turn on the sirens. During the car ride, Turner starts talk think of my past with Michael. "I mean at first he really wasn't that annoying. Then when he kept trying to hang out with me all the time is when I started to ignore him. I remember now he was the main reason I wanted to go away to college. He kept saying how if I went away to college I would not be able to see him. I think that was the point." I said out loud. They arrive at the house. They knock on the door, and the widowed Ms. Berry says, "Jimmy Turner is that you?" I then say, "Yeah Ms. Berry it's me. I'm here about with my police friends to talk to Michael. Do you know where we could find him?" Ms. Berry says, "No I'm sorry but I haven't seen him in a few months sorry." "Thank you." I replied. They get back in their Suv's and drive to the Tampa Police Department. It's time for a press conference to reveal the man behind the murders. Turner goes outside to talk to the press, but he doesn't know exactly what to say.

He then says, "Hello I'm Special Agent Jimmy Turner, and I would like to talk about the past three murders in Tampa. The man who committed those murders is on the run, and his name is Michael Berry. If you see this man please do not engage please call 911 or the Tampa Police Department hotline. Thank you, and let me remind you that this man is armed and dangerous. Please be careful, and stay safe." Agent Turner decides it's time to go his hotel room, and get some sleep. He gets in his Suv and drives to the hotel. He gets out of his car in the hotel parking lot, and suddenly a blunt object hits him in the back of the head. He wakes up in a dark room and hears a familiar voice say, "Man it's time for revenge."

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