Stages Of Grief; ONE

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Cherry Munson spent the next month and a half holed up in her bedroom at her Uncles trailer, the room was small, only fitting her double bed and having some floor space left. Instead of a desk, Cherry was blessed with the bay window, and so she used that as a desk when she used to study. She had an ABBA poster on her wall, next to a Metallica one. A record player sat on the floor, constantly playing songs on repeat, though she got bored of all of her happy, upbeat ones. 

Although she had her apartment, she was angry at herself and refused to enter the space that she had decorated with Billy, the apartment was fully prepared for them. But Cherry wasn't prepared for it.

Cherry felt angry at herself, she was the reason Billy was dead, if only she had gotten there sooner, then maybe Max and Susan wouldn't be looking at the trailers around her. Maybe, she wouldn't have to meet Billy's friends at his funeral instead of a party, or at a diner, anywhere would be better than his funeral.

The funeral would be in two days, but Cherry wasn't sure if she would go, she could already see everyone pitying her, Neil playing the victim, not even being able to tell them all he died protecting the world. She hated that.

Steve, Max, Robin and Dustin came to check on the girl quite a bit, almost always getting something thrown at them or not getting an answer as she was too high to talk. The Byres and El had moved away to California, though she had received a few letters from El already, she had only replied to one.  

Eddie checked on her everyday, bringing her food, drinks, helping her to the bathroom, overall being an amazing brother. He'd spend days or nights away doing deals, but would come back with take out to apologise, he'd rent out her favourite movies, excluding her and Billy's favourite (which was basically every horror movie to exist). 

Cherry sat on her bed staring out the window, she wore Billy's ring and hoodie, watching Max and Susan accept the keys to the trailer near by, she didn't know what made them move, but she knew it was partially her fault. Max glanced towards the trailer, noticing Cherry through the window and offering her a small smile, Cherry just waved her hand in response. 

"Cherry?" Wayne knocked quietly on the girls door, opening it a bit, "I'm going to work okay?" He got no answer, not that he expected one, but he still felt disappointed. 

When Wayne had left, Cherry finally left hers, going into Eddie's instead, knowing he had a campaign tonight despite the school year only just starting. Locating his box, Cherry took three pills, just as she had done since July 4th. She crushed them up on her windowsill, creating a line with old flashcards, snorting it all quickly. 

She left her room again to make spaghetti, as she knew she would get hungry, but what she didn't realise, was that Max had watched the entire thing, red flag rang in the girls head, but she chose to ignore it for now. 

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