Republic Senate Meets Royals of Enchantra

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Just a minor note: I do not own Star Wars or any of the Star Wars characters, or any song lyrics I have featured in the story. I only own my OC's, as well as Enchantra and the kingdoms in it.

A long time ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away...

Among many extraordinary planets in the Galaxy, one of the most beautiful was Naboo, home to Gungans and humans now too. It was ruled by queens who, instead of being born princesses and inheriting the throne, were elected into office, and the throne passed on to another candidate. But, Naboo legend had it that one day a blood heir would come into their realm. The legend went something like this.

One chosen by force,

One chosen to rule

They come as one and bring forth anew

Together they come by chance,

And awake after a sleep following a dance

And to these two, though unplanned

Bring forth a child, so small, so sweet

A child of power

A child of smarts

A child of changes

And pure of heart

From forbidden love

This precious child

Shall change the story

To end with a smile

And with her heart

And powers of many

She will be queen

With gifts aplenty

No one knew for sure if this legend was true or not, but that changed one day with a young Jedi named Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin was a gifted young man. Strong in the Force, great with mechanical things, and very determined. But also very lonely.

You see, Anakin grew up in a pretty rough environment, and not just because Tatooine was literally a dry desert planet with two blazing hot suns. Growing up in a life of slavery would take a dangerous toll on anyone's emotional health, and it didn't help that the Jedi did not welcome him with open arms when they first met him.

The Jedi had some pretty strict rules to follow, and one of them was to never form attachments. That meant no romantic relationships, no marriages, and definitely no family of your own. So, it was hard for Anakin to leave his mother behind when he was only nine.

Instead of seeing Anakin's potential and offering him emotional support, the Jedi called him dangerous and treated him like a threat. Even the other students in the Order treated him that way, which didn't help with keeping his emotions in check. But, Anakin vowed that he would become the greatest Jedi ever, and go back to Tatooine to free his mother.

At this time, Anakin was only sixteen and still a Padawan. He had a lot to learn from his teacher, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan was basically the "golden child" of the order, following all the rules and doing his best to help Anakin improve. He knew it was what his old Master Qui-Gon Jinn would've wanted. Obi-Wan had also been the big brother and father Anakin never had growing up, and though he never said it out loud and always hid it pretty well, he grew to love Anakin as a younger brother.

Legend of the Jedi Princess: Enchanted Jedi RiseWhere stories live. Discover now