After the Citadel

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While the grownups worked on debriefing the coordinates, Gabby went to her room to rest and color for a while.

Gabby started to hum to herself as she colored in her sea creature coloring book, and a certain song popped into her head.

Where the North wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river, all is found

In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?

Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found

Gabby recalled where and when she first heard that song. It had been what Obi-Wan sang to her to calm her down after her father was expelled from the Jedi Order before the Code was changed. Over the last year, Gabby had heard Obi-Wan sing or hum it to himself when he was stressed or sad. Why she was suddenly thinking of it now, she didn't know, but thinking about Obi-Wan's behavior with it, it made her wonder why. From what she knew, Obi-Wan never knew his parents, but he had to have learned that lullaby from somewhere.

Later, Gabby walked through the hall and found Obi-Wan as he was preparing to rest himself.

"Uncle Obi-Wan?" Gabby said.

Obi-Wan looked and saw the girl.

"Oh, Gabby. What brings you here?" Obi-Wan asked.

"I was wondering if I could ask you something."

"What about?"

"You know that lullaby you sang to me once? The one about a river full of memories?" Gabby asked.

"Yes... what of it? Did you want to hear it before you go to sleep?"

"No, that's not it. I was wondering where you learned it."

"Oh... well, Master Qui-Gon used to sing it to me when I was about your age."

"He must've care about you a lot to sing you such a sweet song."

"Yes, Master Qui-Gon and I did have a special kind of bond."

"Uncle Obi-Wan? Master Qui-Gon... what was he like?"

Obi-Wan had Gabby sit on his lap and told her about many stories he recalled from his childhood with Qui-Gon Jinn. According to Obi-Wan, Master Jinn was said to be a bit of a rebel when he was young. Similar to Anakin, he didn't always obey orders, often went against the Council's wishes, and he even declined a seat on the Council to train Obi-Wan. But, even though he was big, powerful and strong, he was also very kind, gentle, and compassionate. Some might say he was like a gentle giant, or consider him a big teddy bear. Master Qui-Gon saw great potential in Anakin that no other Jedi did. He was the only one to believe in Anakin at first and welcome him with open arms. He even took big risks to free him from a life of slavery in the desert.

Initially, Obi-Wan felt jealous of Anakin when Master Qui-Gon decided he would train Anakin himself.

"You? You were jealous?" Gabby asked in disbelief.

"Yes. I was never as perfect a Jedi as many have been led to believe." Obi-Wan said. "Behind closed doors, people often behave differently than they do in front of others."

"Then what happened between you and Daddy?" Gabby said.

"Well, I thought Anakin would take my place. In part because I was uncertain I was ready to become a Jedi Knight, but... I was also worried that my master would forget about me. Or love Anakin more."

"But weren't attachments forbidden back then?" Gabby pointed out.

"Yes, but deep down I knew back then as we do now that these feelings are natural. But, we did not know how to confront them as we do now. And when my master was lost, he gave me his dying wish to train your father and to take care of him. It started out difficult at first because I was only doing it for my master, but over time, I grew to love your father as my own brother. And eventually, you were born. You are very much like your father in many ways, as well as your mother. But, looking at how much you are growing... you actually remind me a little bit of my old master. Except much smaller, female... and overall adorable."

Gabby giggled as her uncle tickled her a bit.

"Why the sudden interest, little one?" Obi-Wan asked, curious himself.

Gabby didn't know if Obi-Wan would believe her if she told him the reason, so she said, "Nothing. I was just curious. I'm a little kid. It's my nature. And I should probably go back to my room before Daddy finds out I'm not in bed. Goodnight."

And with that, Gabby left, and started to think more and more about the connection between her, Qui-Gon Jinn, and her powers.

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