Letters & Guidance

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Carmine held Lamenta over his shoulder as she was still shaking after seeing so many battle droids and watching them attack people. They were even deadlier than an ambush of fangirls during one of her father's concerts.

It was nighttime at the temple, so Carmine decided it was time to get the girls to bed.

"It's gonna be okay, Little Lamb." Carmine said. "Let's get you cleaned up and ready for bed."

Carmine gave Lamenta and Gabby their baths and got them each to bed.

Lamenta sat warm in her father's arms as he sang her his father's lullaby. He kissed her head, gently lay her down and covered her up.

Carmine looked at his daughter as she lay asleep. He sighed.

Lamenta had been through so much since she was three months. Carmine had to work three jobs in order to be able to afford a decent place for him and Caroline to live after they graduated music school, and it was stressful for both of them. Caroline had to balance taking holo-net college classes and taking care of a baby, Carmine almost never had time to be at home, and the couple was exhausted all the time. But then, Carmine took out the guitar his grandmother had given to him before she died and posted a video of himself singing with a blanket over his head so that no one saw his face because he was so shy back then, and because people always made fun of his glasses. The video got a lot of likes, so Carmine started posting more songs after that, eventually getting contacted by different sponsors, which made it possible for him to quit working three jobs, and gave him time to be at home to help his wife take care of Lamenta. But soon after that, Carmine got contacted by a huge record company, and was offered a contract that took him on his very first worldwide tour across Coruscant. After that, Caroline eventually became Carmine's manager, and they started bringing their baby to work all the time.

Lamenta never stayed in one place for more than a few days. It was always one hotel after another, occasional sleeps in the bunks on various vehicles. But, constant travel wasn't the scariest thing Lamenta had come across during their travels. If it wasn't ambushes of fans trying to get a close-up look at Count Crescendo, it was paparazzi, crazy thugs who would try to kidnap her or the pop star himself for ransom, and occasional competing pop stars trying to take him down by exposing his secret identity.

And before the Festival of Lights, Lamenta faced some mean kids she met who pretended to be her friends so she would take them to meet Count Crescendo. That was the last straw for Carmine and Caroline. They decided it was time to take a break from the superstar life and find a place to settle for a while. Sure, he loved singing, dancing, and performing concerts for his fans... but he loved his family more.

Even without fighting in battle, Carmine worried about his and Lamenta's futures as Jedi. So far, they didn't make the best impression in classes. The pillow fight showed Masters that they lacked discipline and focus, and Carmine's lack of sufficient early training didn't help either.

"I have to figure out the Force." Carmine told himself. "For my daughter... and a bit for me."

Carmine went to his room and found a box in his suitcase. It was an old box he'd kept from his old apartment when he lived with Grandma Miranda. Carmine hadn't looked inside all of it yet, but it was filled with some important items that were connected to his family's past. At least, that was what his grandmother told him. Before she got sick, Miranda told him that inside that box, he would find some important things that would help him learn about his heritage and how to control his powers after she was gone. Carmine didn't think he'd need it, but after she died, he looked inside and found a book of spells that helped him learn to use his song to create all sorts of amazing things.

Over the years, Carmine found that when he sang, he could change all sorts of things. His song could heal, destroy, change the weather, spread beauty, invoke emotions, and hypnotize like a siren. He could even create amazing illusions, which was how he created such astounding special effects in his concerts and gave himself time to switch hair and outfits.

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