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The restaurant that Zavien had picked was in a lovely building and the decorations were classical and chic. White walls with small round tables with a huge clear vase holding brightly colored flowers, huge windows and also potted plants along the walls.

Once the waitress sees Zavien, she leads us over to a table. Zavien pulled out my seat for me and once I was seated, he walked over and gracefully sat in the chair, across from me.

"This is fancy." I said, still looking around. There were only a few empty tables and other nicely dressed people were sitting far away from us.

"It is. It's one of my favorite places to eat." Zavien said as he gestured towards the menu card laying on the table. "They have a six course meal and a ten course meal as well as an assortment of other dishes." he said. He really did like coming here, it was like he already memorized the menu or something.

"What is in a ten course meal?" I asked as I flipped open the menu.

"It comes with different dishes. Would you like to try it?"

Any other day and I would be bursting to try it but I would much rather eat something else. If I overeat, I tend to get constipated and the last thing I need for this date is me farting every couple of minutes.

"Can we try something the six course meal instead?" I asked Zavien.

"Of course, darling," he replied. "What would you like to start with?" he asked as he raised his hand, signaling for a waiter.

The waitress arrived while I kept looking at the options provided and then I decided on the third option. Zavien gets the same as me but swapped his soup with another and once she had written it down as well as the wine Zavien had requested for, she left.

It's been a really long time since I have been on a date and I don't really know what to say? What if he eventually finds me boring? What if I say something that offends Zavien and he just walks away?

"You look like you're overthinking." Zavien said, his voice pulling me out of my thoughts.

I blinked at him. "Huh?"

"What were you thinking about?" Zavien asked.

"I was thinking. . . that it's been a really long time since I've been on a date." I said. The waitress appears with our starter, placing it on the table and disappearing. It was sea chips with white bean dip.

"When was the last time you went on one?" Zavien asked as I picked up a chip, pushing the edge of it into the white bin dip.

"I tried going on a date after the whole. . . ex thing. But he never let me get a word in, ordered for me and slyly told me to keep eating salads or I won't be able to fit into my jeans anymore." I said before raising the chips to my lips and taking a bite. My tongue exploded with the flavor and I let out a pleased hum.

When I looked back at Zavien, he looked like he was trying to calm himself down. "He said that? To you?"

I shrugged, grabbing another chip and dipping it. "Yeah. But after he said those words, I told him I wanted to use the bathroom and instead stopped at the counter, I ordered a lot of food and dessert, when it was brought to the table, I grabbed the bags, flipped him off and walked out."

Zavien laughed. "Now, that I can imagine you doing."

"He was rude and two can always play that game." I responded. "What about you? Surely, you have had one rude date."

"One time, my cousin tried to set me up with a sub." Zavien starts. "The sub complained about everything, the food, how the chef had just two Michelin stars, how the waiter kept looking at me and then when we were done, I paid for the food but I slipped the card into my pocket."

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