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Zavien doesn't say anything else but he does look through documents while on the drive. Madan also does not speak and I am really thankful for the silence.

After a couple of minutes, Madan pulls into the driving lot of a restaurant and turns off the engine. I was still staring at the building, when Zavien got out of the car and made his way over to my side of the car and pulled it open. He held a hand out to me and I stared at him.

I wondered what exactly was up with this man. Why was he treating me like this? He was always nice. Short but nice. I slipped my hand into his and got down from the car. He let go of my hand and we both walked towards the door and Madan pulled it open.

The place was surprisingly empty.  It was lit up by these dangling gold bulbs, the interior was decorated by wooden seats and tables.  There was also a bar and that was where Zavien headed straight for. The woman at the bar was the red haired woman I had met that night, weeks ago.

"Boss. . ."

"Emily, you know I don't like being called that when I'm with family." Zavien said as he took a seat. Emily laughed at what he had said and I stared at them. Madan excuses himself and heads towards the stairs, going up.

"I remember you. . ." Emily said when she finally looked at me.

"And I remember you as well but can I get four shots, please?" I said as I finally took my seat, one stool away from Zavien. Emily stared at me and then she smiled sweetly, turning around to get the tiny glasses.

"Zav, he tried to save Rowan from being beaten." Emily said as she grabbed a big bottle and promptly poured the drink into all four glasses.

"Rowan?" I asked, trying to place the name. Oh. "Hot dark skinned blonde girl?"

This time Zavien chuckled while Emily laughed. I wonder what was so funny about what I said. Their little laugh aside, the blonde woman's name was Rowan and it actually suits her.  When Emily was done, I grabbed glass after glass and poured it right into my mouth, swallowing down quickly.

"I'm not one to judge but why is he drinking here at lunch time, Zav?" Emily asked and Zavien looks over at me. The blank mask on his face falls off and for a second I think he looks worried but. . .eh. . . it might be the drinks getting to me.

"My ex showed up at work and caused a scene." I ended up saying. I tapped the glasses and she poured more and immediately she was done, I downed oen tiny glass after the other. There's a saying that goes: alcohol tastes sweet when you're happy and bitter when you're sad or when your life has gone to shit.

"Are you serious?" she asked and then turned to Zavien to ask. "Is he serious?"

"I am. . ."

"I put him in his place." Zavien spoke and Emily actually clapped. She let out a loud whoop that made me laugh. She was so silly. The drink was definitely getting to my head and I was getting fuzzy around my vision and I was starting to feel loose.

"I can't believe I was with that fucking lizard for two years. I kept a part of me hidden because I knew just how it looked to him. And we got engaged and then on the day of our wedding, he did not show up. I could hear the people murmuring as I waited behind the closed doors. The wedding planner told me to go up first and Marley would come up after me but by then it was twenty minutes and Marley had not even shown up yet. As I walked up, people were talking and laughing and I remember standing on the altar for another twenty minutes." I said and tapped on the glass again. Emily looks at Zavien, who gave a little nod.

"Then I found out he went on our honeymoon with his secretary Susan. And they both would call me from there and they would make fun of me. They called me a freak and other colorful words. They wrote an email to my place of work and it was so nasty and then they accused me of being a whistleblower."

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