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The very next day, my phone rings at nine on the dot.

I was still in bed, stretching and thinking about what I might just do today. I reached for my phone, my heart all but slamming into my chest when I saw the caller ID. This would be our first time talking over the phone, I wondered if it would be any different.

And immediately the thoughts goes through my mind, I mentally kicked myself for having such a stupid thought.

"Hello. . ." I said, once I had raised the phone to my ear.

"Good morning, darling." came Zavien's voice and I found myself blushing. "How was your night, Nuri?"

"It was very good. How was yours?" I asked and Zavien chuckled.

"It was exceptional," he replied. "I got your message and have read through your contract. Are you free today?" he asked and I found myself nodding before I realized he could not see me. Man, I was not being my smart self this morning.

"Yes, I'm free."

"I'll send a car for you by eleven unless. . . you want to meet with me right now, darling?" he asked and I bit down on my bottom lip, really thinking about it. If I stayed and waited hours to see him, I might actually go out of my mind. But if I go for breakfast, it would mean more time together and I get to also see the girls and Madan.

"Can you send the car to me in thirty minutes? I need to wash up." I said in response and I heard Zavien hum.

"Alright, Nuri." he said. "I'll see you soon."

"Bye. . ." I said, waving. I mentally facepalmed at myself. What was wrong with me today? Had the sex been that good that I lost a few brain cells?

Right. I had no time to think about that. I got out of bed, stripping as I made my way to the bathroom, I showered and washed myself thoroughly, both in and out. Once I had moisturized, I slipped on a purple hoodie, grey boxers and black wide legged jeans. By the time, I was done and I had grabbed my phone and wallet when I got a message from Zavien.

From Zavien: The car's outside. Black Benz, driver's name is Auset.

I peeped out the window and sure, there was a black Mercedes waiting there. On my way out, I made sure my door was locked and then proceeded to walk out of the apartment. The man standing there was tall with dark hair and brown skin.

"Mr. Nuri." the man said and I smiled at him.

"Good morning, Auset. . ." I said and the man smiled back at me. "Did I pronounce that right?" I asked as he pulled open the car door for me.

"Surprisingly." Auset said and I grinned.

Once we were both seated in the car, I unlocked my phone and sent a message to Zavien.

To Zavien: On my way!

There was soft music playing through the speaker, so instead of silence, I decided to talk to Auset.

"I like your name."

"Thank you, Mr. Nuri. I like yours too."

I wanted him to stop calling me Mr. Nuri but something tells me that there was no way in hell, he would do that. So I just let it go. Auset tells me he's egyptian and wasn't that awesome. I wondered how long he has been working for Zavien and was surprised to find out he has been with Zavien for three years and he makes enough money to take care of himself.

I knew what that meant because in my contract, the employee contract, my annual income was five million. Auset would be paid even more because he practically took Zavien almost everywhere, he would be paid heavily to keep his silence. He's probably making even more money than me.

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