Lets play a memory

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"Would you like to play a game Zero?"

"Yes Papa...what game are we playing?"

"Let's play a memory, one that you'd rather forget"



"Tell me what you see, hear, feel and smell"

"Y-yes Papa"

"Begin Zero"

"Rain, rain so heavy that when it touched my skin it stung. It poured and poured until it felt as though the entire world could drown. The birds chirp in panic as their new borns fall from the trees above, how can a baby bird survive a storm like this? The mud beneath me is so thick that it might swallow me whole. I can't exactly describe how I feel but it's not quite right, and it leaves me cold.

Breathing is difficult when you're in this kind of situation...I didn't mean it. I don't think I meant it. I wouldn't mean for this to happen, after all I loved them didn't I? But then I suppose they wouldn't be dead if I loved them. I see my parents...their mangled bodies are spread across the forest floor, their bones snapped and twisted.

A drop of blood falls from my nose. A high pitched ringing noise sings into my ear, deafening me. My head hurts so bad that it might just explode. My knees collapse, I faint. And there I lay on the floor helpless to the forest that surrounds me. I wear the smell of blood and death like it's perfume."

"Well done Zero, is that all?"

"Y-yes P-Papa..."

"Here's a tissue for that nose of yours"

"Thank you Papa" I shift in discomfort, That memory was different, scary and unsettling. It brings me pain. I look up at Papa who quickly writes.

Papa is a confusing man, he seems caring and sweet until he makes me remember all of these horrible things. Things I don't want to remember.

"Thank you for your time Zero. I have another child, one just like you! Would you like to meet him? He's been with us quite for some time now and is a lot older but I think you would both get along very well."

"Someone like me?"

"Yes, he understands how you feel more than I ever could, I've named him One because before I found you I didn't think I'd need a Zero, you were too special for any other number"

"Oh...okay, I'll meet him"

"Come with me"

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