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when are you free so we can talk?

im free now.

meet at babo's market?

see you there in 10.

grace grabbed her backpack and ordered an uber to take her to the market. she made it there in under 5 minutes, so she ordered a coffee and grabbed a table in the way back corner.

this is where grace liked to sit, wanting to not draw attention to herself, but when brendan comes into the market and takes a seat across from grace, all eyes are on here.

"so. what's your stupid idea?" brendan asked, getting straight to the point.

"i've thought about this all night," grace said. she grabbed her journal out from her backpack and opened it up to the page that she had written notes on.

"what if we just, fake-date. at least to try and convince my friends. do couple things together, then after a few months, break up. say you want to focus on hockey and i want to focus on releasing a book soon." grace told him.

"you really did think about this a lot." brendan agreed. he glanced at the notes she had written down in her book and then looked back at her.

"it's a supid idea." grace sighed.

"it's a terrible idea." brendan chuckled. grace's cheeks turned red and closed her notebook.

"even though it's a terrible idea, i'll do it if you want me to." brendan said.

"really?" grace asked, widening her eyes.

"mhm." brendan nodded his head and ran a hand through his hair. grace smiled and looked away.

"only if you want me too though." brendan told her.

"yeah." grace nodded her head.

"great. so, do you want to be my fake-girlfriend?" brendan asked.

"i'd love to be your fake-girlfriend." grace laughed.

"good. there's a few things i have to get you now since we're 'dating' so i'm gonna have to leave you." brendan said. he got out of the chair and helped grace out of hers.

"what are you getting me?" grace asked.

"it's a surprise." brendan said.

"i hate surprises." grace told him.

"there's so much im going to have to learn, but i really do have to get you those things. we leave tonight for an away game, but we will be back by saturday morning. i'll text you so i can give you those things." brendan told her.

grace rolled her eyes and scoffed, "did you not just hear that i hate surprises?"

"i did, i just chose to ignore it. bye gracie." brendan smiled before walking out of the market.

as much as i hate surprises, i hate being called gracie.

grace walked back to the apartment, ready to be bombarded with questions. she wasn't going to lie about where she was or who she was with, she wanted to sell it as she had another boyfriend.

"where were you?" harley asked. she was in her laptop most likely doing some work.

"at the market with the guy i was talking to." grace said.

"pics or it didn't happen." ella said.

"we didn't get any pictures. we just talked the whole time and grabbed a coffee. we're taking things slow." grace told them.

"it didn't happen." harley said simply.

"im not going to argue with you guys." grace scoffed. she went upstairs to her bedroom and took out her class notebook to look at the notes she had taken for her writing class.

the afternoon was spent writing for her upcoming chapter for her book. this writing class was advanced and for their current project, they had to write a ten chapter story, 4000 words max.

grace's phone beeped multiple times so she put her pencil down and picked up her phone.

i have acquired the surprises, gracie.

you just have to wait like, two days.

i hate surprises. that's first thing you should know about me. second thing, i hate being called gracie, so don't call me that.

okay, i wont call you that and i'm sorry for calling you that, but you're just gonna have to suck it up with the surprises.

i hate you.

you barely know me.

right, so tell me about yourself now then.

i play hockey. im from california. im gonna go pro after this season with the golden knights.

that's it. tell me about you.

that's it? no major? not even your favorite color or your favorite movie?

my major is sports management. my favorite color is blue, obviously. i don't really have a favorite movie.

now onto you.

well, i don't play any sports but i like to watch them even if i don't really know what's going on. im from texas. im majoring in creative writing and literature.

oh, so you're smart?


any questions you want to ask me?

what's your favorite color?

orange, but like a peach kind of color.

any questions you want to ask me then?


that was. simple.


sorry for what?

that im boring. im simple.

you're neither. i bet you're a very smart yet outgoing girl.

that's the opposite. i like to keep quiet and keep to myself.

we're total opposites.

how will this relationship even work?

the texts kept coming in and grace moved from her desk to her bed. she continued to text brendan until he fell asleep, saying he had to be up early for practice.

grace went back to writing her chapter for her book, making small details and taking little things out that weren't needed in the end.

the sun started to rise and grace realized she didn't get a minute of sleep. she was gonna be tired for her classes today and she really started to regret even texting brendan in the first place.

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