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Instantly, I reached for my gun but again, it was not at my waist.

My eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness and where the person was in the room.

"Relax! It's just me," the voice reasoned, a light clicking and illuminating the room.

"Shit Damian," I cursed, lowering my head and breathing out deeply. "If I had my gun, I could have shot you," I hissed at him again as he jumped onto a nearby couch.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've been shot," he snickered.

I shook my head and rubbed my tired eyes.

"What happened?" Damian asked suddenly, his dark eyes becoming serious.

"Lachlan fucking happened," I groaned, letting my body fall on the bed. "He had gone quiet for so long, it was only a matter of time before he showed up again," I trailed on.

"Your shoulder okay?" Damian asked, pointing to my shoulder.

"Yeah, Lachlan shot me," I groaned as I lifted my sleeve to see red blotches on the white bandages.

"You break your stitches?" He asked with a concerned tone as he sat straighter on the couch.

"No, I just need to change the bandages. I'll do it later," I held out a hand to signal him not to get up. "How are things?"

"Good," he stated flatly.

"You're still staying at my penthouse in Manhattan?"

"Yeah. I had just gotten back from a class when Dante called me. He had me bring Reese and Morgan here and told me to stay in case I was needed," he explained as he looked around the room. "It seems pretty secure here though," he breathed out as he stood and grabbed a backpack beside him.

"You're not staying?" I asked and stood with him.

"I have classes Monday," he shrugged his shoulders and tried to push past me but I held my ground.

"You have time to at least wait for her to wake up. It shouldn't be too long," I insisted as Damian scrunched his nose and turned his head to the side, clearing growing impatient. "What's wrong?" I pressed and furrowed my brows.

"Nothing, she just won't want to see me is all," he stumbled over his words as he tried to maneuver around me.

"Have you spoken to her since she left?" I inquired, pointing behind me in the direction of Rebecca's room.

"I've called her," he mumbled hesitantly.

"Does she know you're not in Russia? That you flew straight into Manhattan and have been taking classes on campus this entire year?" I grilled as he ran a hand through his hair.

"No. Look, I don't need to explain myself, Killian. I've been through a lot and I don't need to get reminded of it everyday," he hissed as I stood straighter.

"What did Lachlan do to you when he kidnapped you?"

"Nothing—" he icily hissed and then sighed. "Yeah, he beat me up but I can take a beating. It's the fact that he was able to overpower me and I caused her family to get separated," he revealed as he ran his hands through his hair again.

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