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"Me? I'm his fucking kid?" Xander shouted as he balled his fists.

Dante nodded.

"How could you take me from my own father? How could you take Rebecca and I?" He shouted.

"Lachlan killed my sister," he argued but Xander hit Dante in the face, causing a loud crack to echo through the docks.

"No you did! You killed your sister when you found out Lachlan loved her! And you took his kids from him! You took us from him! And you claimed us as your own! You made us believe our own father was the enemy when it was you all along!" He yelled before he hit him again and again.

Dante just kept taking the hits Xander was throwing.

He knew he deserved much more than a beating for the wrong things he's done.

"You always favored Reese over Rebecca and I and that's because our father is Lachlan!" He spat as he kept throwing blows at Dante.

It wasn't until Dante had blood all over his face that I stepped in and pulled Xander from him.

"You're gonna kill him Xander!" I shouted.

"Next time I see him I will," he shouted before he ran off.

I turned and helped Dante up.

No matter what he did, he didn't deserve to die—he still has kids who need him.

"I screwed everything up. I just wanted to protect them, but I made everything so much worse," he sighed as he breathed heavily.

"Why do all of it then?" I asked as he sighed.

"Lachlan has never been right. In the head at least. He ruthlessly murders people. After Vera died, something snapped in him. He went crazy. He has bipolar disorder, but his alter ego is so powerful that he went rogue—I was afraid he would hurt his kids," Dante spoke truthfully.

"So you took them? To protect them? Why not just tell them that?" I asked.

"I took them from their father. Despite my motives, I still took his kids so he'd feel what I had felt when my sister died. Rebecca or Xander won't be able to get past that to hear me out," he sighed as he leaned against a wall.

"The mansion is rubble Dante," Vincent revealed as he sighed and shook his head.

"Execute Order 4587," he spoke softly before Vincent nodded and walked away. "Go back to Russia kid. There's nothing you can do now."

"What's Order 4587?" I asked curiously.

"Retreat and relocate. We're finished," Dante sighed before he turned around and walked in Vincent's direction.

"So you're just going to give up?" I shouted as he stopped.

"I'm not one to give up, kid, but I know when a battle is won. I'm getting myself ready for a war. If Lachlan wants his kids back, he's going to have to kill me to keep them," he spat before he started walking away.

"What about your son?" I asked, referring to the baby that was born only days ago.

"He's coming with me, Killian. Look, there's nothing you can do, not before you have to leave," he hissed before he disappeared in the shadows.

"The hell I can't do anything," I spat as I walked away and took out my cell phone.

It rang twice before someone picked up.

"Hello, your number has been logged and your location has been traced. State your name and your business," a voice machine said.

"My name is Killian Black and I want to hire Haywood for a job," I stated flatly.

The line went silent for a moment before the voice came back.

"Transferring Killian Black to Mr. Haywood," the voice said as the phone started to ring again.

"Killian Black. You must be in some deep shit if you're willing to make a deal with the devil," Haywood coldly boasted through the phone.

"I have been pulled into some deep shit and I need your help Haywood," I hissed through tight lips.

He laughed for a moment.

"Don't tell me you've been pulled into Dante Vecellio's family drama?" He asked as I stayed quiet, only confirming his theory. "Oh poor Killian. Fallen for the girl yet?" He asked as I growled through the phone.

"That's none of your goddamn business Haywood!" I barked.

"See it is my business because you're calling me, asking for my help. But if you're just going to waste my time, then I'll pass," he threatened.

"No wait! I'll do whatever you want," I pleaded as I heard him smile through the phone.

"What do you need me to do?"

"I need you to find Rebecca. Get her back to me," I told him as he breathed in and out.

"Lachlan has her?" He asked.


"It will be difficult, but I can get her back," he stated flatly.

"You're a body hunter, of course you can get her back," I scoffed as he laughed.

"I am going to need a seven million down payment. I will have someone stop by your hotel later tonight to give you the details of the account, but the account will have the numbers 674, and the money needs to be in by midnight tonight. If I don't get it in time, I won't start my mission," he inquired.

"Of course. Money won't be an issue, I'll have it for you by then."

"Now, let's discuss my payment," he stated seriously as I sighed.

"Name it."

"Hmmm," he thought hard, letting the line fall silent for a moment. "I don't need anything at the moment Killian, but I'm not the kind of person who does anything for free."

"What are you getting at Haywood?" I asked a bit on edge.

"You will owe me a favor. Someday I will call you and I will cash in this favor. You better be ready when I cash it in," he finished, not even bothering to give a threat.

"Of course. I'll be waiting for your call, Haywood."

"Thank you for dealing with the devil. I will make good on my side and have her back to you before you have to relocate to Russia," he assured. "And one other thing Killian," he intrigued.

"Yes Haywood?"

"I can get Rebecca back alive, but I can't promise I won't kill anyone. If someone gets in my way, they can consider themselves dead."

"Don't let me stop you then. Get her back, whatever the cost," I assured.

"Pleasure working with you Killian. I will look forward to our next encounter."

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