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"This is channel nine news," the woman spoke on the television. "If you are looking into going to Florida for holiday, I would suggest postponing that getaway, more on that later. After a huge scare at the mayor's birthday party, his son, Ryan Mason Hunt, has been found. Apparently he snuck out of the party to go get ice cream," she continued just as I turned off the television and rubbed my face.

My phone buzzed and I looked and saw Damian's name on the screen.

"What?" I asked him sternly as he huffed.

"Please tell me Haywood didn't kidnap the mayor's kid," he begged.

"Okay. He didn't," I told him.

"Killian this isn't good!" Damian scoffed as I rubbed my neck. "What kind of information can he get by kidnapping the mayor's child?" He asked rhetorically.

"Guess I'll find out when he calls me."

"Killian he is insane! You can't work with him anymore! If he's willing to kidnap an innocent child, what do you think he's willing to do to you, or even Rebecca!" He tried reasoning.

"He's willing to get her back to me Damian! Now shut the fuck up and stop calling me!" I shouted before I hung up.

I sat on my hotel bed and groaned just as I heard a knock on the door.

I peered around and saw a piece of paper slide under the door.

"Really?" I groaned as I got up and picked up the paper.

It read:

meet me on the roof at midnight tonight. -Haywood

This is exactly what I've been waiting for.

•  •  •  •  •

I took the stairs to the roof and opened the door, the cold breeze whipping at my face and shooting cold air into my lungs, making it slightly difficult to breathe.

You could see my breath every time I exhaled and the moon was bright, giving just enough luminosity to see the roof space.

"Killian," Haywood called, making my head whip toward him.

He was leaning against the roof rails, smoking a cigarette.

His coat was zipped tight against him and one hand was in a pocket while the other held the cigarette.

"What did you find?" I asked him seriously.

He breathed in his cigarette and let the smoke fly in the air before he answered.

"I have a location on Lachlan," he stated flatly.

"Then where's Rebecca? You said you could get her. You said you'd—"

"I know what I said Killian," he interrupted me as he took his cigarette between his lips. "Plans have changed," he said with the cigarette in his mouth as he pulled a piece of paper from his jacket.

He handed it to me and I unfolded it—it was blueprints.

"What are these?" I asked him as I looked at the blueprints.

They were underground tunnels and holding cells.

"This is where Lachlan is keeping Rebecca," he stated as my heart fell into my stomach.

"It's an underground facility. Where he is keeping her, there's little to no security, but the building above has tight security, so I'll have to blow through it. The complexity of the layout changes my plans slightly, but I will get her one way or another Killian," Haywood assured as he took out a pack of cigarettes and offered me one.

I gladly took it and held it between my lips as he lit the end with his lighter.

I breathed in the toxins and blew out the gray smoke into the night sky.

My body calmed slightly, but I was still on edge.

"I don't doubt your skills for a minute Haywood, but I'm running out of time," I told him as he nodded.

"And if I do get her back before you leave, are you hoping your grandfather will let you stay?" He asked as he cocked his head to the side.

I took the cigarette between my lips again and breathed in before exhaling the smoke.

"I need you to do something for me Killian," Haywood suddenly initiates.

"Name it," I said quickly.

"I need you to get Xander and Reese here within the next two days," he said as I furrowed my brows. "Lachlan needs to be drawn away from the facility so I can get Rebecca out," he explained.

"What are you suggesting we do?" I asked curiously.

"I'll let you know when you get them here. I can give you their locations so you can retrieve them," he said as he pulled out his phone.

"How do you have their locations?" I asked curiously.

"I have my ways," he smiled as I rolled my eyes.

"Of course. Well if you know where they are, why haven't you grabbed them yourself?"

"I have a lot of enemies plus I just kidnapped the mayor's kid, so I'm trying to lay low. Despite the people not knowing about Dante's gang, the Vecellios are millionaires and I would catch a lot of unwanted attention on news channels," he scoffed.

"What's the plan?" I asked as he smiled.

"You just work on getting them here and then I'll tell you the plan," he said as he smiled widely. "I will text you their locations and the location we will be meeting at," he said before he took out a grappling hook.

"Nice," I said as he smiled.

"See you in two days man," he winked before he shot the hook and rode the cord line to a different building.


Within moments, Haywood sent me a text with their locations. Reese is in Ocean City and Xander is in Miami. And the place we are to meet is a hotel.

Well shit.

I dialed Reese's number and he picked up after two rings.

"What do you want, Killian?" He asked, annoyed.

"Hello to you too, cranky," I rolled my eyes. "Haywood has a plan to get Rebecca, but he needs you and Xander here in two days," I explained as he sighed.

"Alright. Have you contacted Xander?" He asked.

"Not yet, but he's in Miami."

"I can get him. I know exactly where he is if he's in Miami," he spoke with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Is he in trouble or something?"

"More like he is the trouble," he sighed. "Where am I meeting you in two days?"

"A hotel. I will text you the address. And Reese," I said.

"Yeah Killian?"

"We're going to get her back," I reassured him.

"I hope you're right. I will be seeing you."

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