I : How It Started

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Cover made by marina_swampert

The first day of Hogwarts infamous prank war started just like any other ordinary day. It was the first weekend of Fred and George Weasley's last year of school, and they were bored. You see, boredom can lead to a whole lot of things, especially when the Weasley twins were involved. So naturally something needed to be done.

"Ron!" Ron Weasley turned around, groaning when he saw who it was. His twin brothers, Fred and George striding up towards him in the Great Hall. Grinning widely, the two took seats on either side of Ron.

"What do you two want?" Ron asked, stabbing his bacon. The twins pulled faces, appalled at their brother's lack of manners.

"Well that's no way to greet your fellow brothers!" said George, sounded morally offended.

"You'd think he'd have better manners than that, wouldn't you George?" said Fred. "Growing up with us and all"

"What do you want?" Ron repeated. It was best to be direct with the twins, it was the only way to get what you wanted out of them.

"Okay, we need a favour" George said seriously. Ron was taken aback. He had never heard this serious tone in either of the twins and, thinking it was important, decided to listen, an action he later learned to regret.

"What kind of favour?" he asked cautiously. The twins could really be planning anything.

"We need your help to start a revolution" George said.

"What?" Ron asked again, confused.

The twins had an evil sparkle in their eyes Ron didn't like the look of. Neither did he like the use of the word 'revolution'

"A Prank War" Fred and George said in unision.

"With you, Harry and Hermione's help, we could start the biggest war Hogwarts has ever seen!" Fred exclaimed excitedly, before George shushed him, glancing at the teachers table.

"It would be the next big thing to push Umbridge just over the edge" he continued in a slightly lowered tone.

Ron considered for a moment. Umbridge was by far (perhaps not Quirrell) the worst teacher they had ever seen, even the teachers didn't like her. A prank war was risking a lot, but she was torturing students, and wasn't the risk worth it?

"We're going to get caught" he told the twins uncertainly.

"Oh yes, of course" Fred said, waving it away.

"That's a given" George added.

"But we need to do something. We can't let her get away with it. She's evil" George said.

"This is just a fun way to do it. It will also be a great excuse to mess with the Slytherins" Fred grinned.

Ron didn't need to consider again. They had some very good points.

"I'm in" he told the twins. "We just need to get Harry and Hermione in on it"

"Excellent" Fred said, rubbing his hands together. "'Good luck with that. We're off to see Ginny"


Ron walked nervously back to the Gryffindor common room, knowing that his two best friends would be there. He could already anticipate their answers; Hermione would flat out say 'no', and Harry would be skeptical.

"Oh, Ron, there you are!" He looked up and nearly walked straight into Hermione.

"Oh! Hi Hermione!" He cursed himself, noting how high his voice got when he was nervous.

Hermione frowned. "Did you just inhale an absurd amount of helium?"



"What's henium?"

"It's – oh, nevermind"

"Where's Harry?"

"He's finishing his potions essay in the common room – Ron, where are you going?" she called after him.

"Come on!" he yelled back. "I need you two!"


"No" Hermione said flatly. "Absolutely not"

Ron wished he could high five his earlier self.

"Oh come on Hermione, it will be fun!" said Harry, who was only too happy to help out with the Prank War against Umbridge.

"It goes against every school rule, ever!" She complained. Ron and Harry rolled their eyes.

"Hermione, one, we have already broken just about every rule ever" Harry said, mimicking her voice at 'ever'. Ron nodded.

If Hermione didn't join in, this would all fail. They needed some brains on their side.

"Well even so, we need to keep a clean record for a good reputation, or our whole futures will be ruined!" Hermione insisted.

"Oh come on Hermione!" Ron suddenly shouted. "It's not going to ruin our records, detentions count for nothing as long as you get passable grades and this will probably help your reputation around the school!"

Hermione glared at him. Ron groaned.

Way to go Weasley, insulting her is going to get you so far.

But fortunately for him, he had Harry on his side, who knew Hermione well as well.

"Leave her Ron. She's only scared"

That set it off. Hermione Granger is not scared and will never back down a challenge.

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