July 28- Part 1

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Well, I thought this was going to be a perfectly normal day. It's reasonable to assume so at least. I went to the broken down diner where I work. I hate the darn place, the tables are always broken, the food is sloppy and tastes like garbage, and the service is horrendous. I'm the preppy person who chooses to ignore all the heavy and annoying things haunting the place, or at least that's the excuse I give myself to why I don't quit. It's hard raising three kids, I sometimes wish my parents were here. Scratch that actually, I wish it to be true every day.

Later on in the day, around six, the bell rang its sound song, and my least favorite customer strolled into the furnished piece of land. He looked around like the smug person he is, smiling about who knows what. Every time he comes in, he asks for me. Every. Single. Time. Like the good worker I am, I plaster a smile on my dead-panned face and slowly walk towards the far-end corner table he decided to sit at. He knows I don't like to walk all the way there. Opening his greased and calloused hands, his slurred voice utters, "Hello beautiful, get me some burgers." His breaths hitch as he winks, "The usual things I get sweetheart. And chop chop, I wouldn't want to tattletale that a hot piece like you isn't doing her job well." He glanced to the other side, a big smirk forming on the crease of his mouth. The first thing I wanted to do was to get a pipe from the kitchen and bash his head in.

But since I desperately need this job, I simply say, "Sir, I'm sorry, but I don't remember your 'usual'. my voice sounds facetious, but I just hope he buys my fake customer service voice. At least until I get enough money to get out of the dumb I currently live in. Before I could respond, my phone buzzed. The sound reverberated around the room, soon all eyes were locked on me. I was embarrassed, I knew I should have silenced my phone. The thing is, the only time I get calls are when my brothers are in trouble, and I would rather stampede directly to hell than not help my brothers when they are in need of my assistance. Quietly excusing myself, and ignoring the pleas of the customer I wish to strangle with my mere hands, I ran to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in. The profile that popped up had Micheal on the top of it. I swear I can't leave those guys for three minutes before one of them tries to assassinate the leader of the universe. I clicked the Accept button on the corner.

"Please tell me no one is dead. Please tell me that my cookies are still in my favorite job. And PLEASE tell me that Barry didn't actually act on his 'let's replace humans with animals' scheme."

The voice that came out was hurried, and was undoubtedly Micheal's. "Hey..Gabi..We got a bit of a problem here. Hah! Funny story, but the neighbor is in the hospital, and I think Barry knows what 'making love' means now."

I froze for several seconds, the line stayed silent. "What."

"I'll talk to you later, love you." He abruptly hung up the call. 

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