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Naruto's eyes blinked slowly with exhaustion as he and Shikamaru pulled an all-nighter in the Hokage's office. It was a hot night but they couldn't open the windows in fear of letting the mosquitoes in from the crappy summer night they were having. The blonde held the page up before passing it over to one of the four piles he and Shikamaru were sorting the taller stacks into so they could be stamped with the right equipment. The Nara in question had stepped out in the last 15 minutes but Naruto had been unconsciously tugging on his chakra through the Harashin seal they both shared for safety purposes.

Shikamaru was tugging back as well but it was more like a way to tell Naruto to screw off and wait. The blonde chuckled as he picked up another document to look over. He knew the monotonous work a Hokage did and he accepted that this was a part of the dream. However, he has already decided that shadow clones were going to be more essential when he took over. For now, he would slow the progress to pass the time. He swiped the sweat from his forehead as the door opened and closed again.

"I'm starting to believe you tagged me just to annoy me," Came the exhausted voice of Shikamaru who held a grocery bag full of items.

"It's mostly for safety but I would be lying if I said I didn't find fun in distracting you," The blonde caught an object heading his way only to see it was an ice cream bar. "Ah you're such a lifesaver I'm dying in here."

"You're not eating it in here, we're heading to the roof," Shikamaru shook his bag of goodies as he strutted out the door with Naruto getting up and following him. The blonde held the bar in his mouth as he caught up to Shikamaru.

"Did you find the diplomatic stamp, Kakashi said it was somewhere in the supply closet," Shikamaru mentioned as he opened the hatch to the roof. Naruto relished in the gush of cool breeze as he sat on the roof tiles. The Nara sat next to him and started to munch on his bar.

"I did find it and it was out of ink so I had to go back in to find that red jar that's always moving between offices," Naruto recalled with a look of annoyance. Shikamaru chuckled at the plight as he unwrapped a double popsicle.

"Here, break it with me," Shikamaru held it out and Naruto smiled at the gesture as he took the other half and split the treat. "Seems we have another long night. Can I crash at your apartment?"

"As long as you don't mind instant ramen in the morning," Naruto laughed at the distant memory of Shikamaru being appalled at watching him pack away five instant ramen before heading to the tower.

It seemed Shikamaru remembered as well as he shuddered with a small grin. "You're just fucking unhealthy, Kurama keeps you in shape."

"I guess that's true but it's all I've ever known," Naruto's tone became softer as he reflected on his childhood food of necessity. "I guess I can invest in trying new foods."

"Don't worry, I'll start. The market is open all night now for ninjas like us. We'll just make a stop before heading back home."

Naruto smiled but didn't call out to Shikamaru mentioning his apartment as home. It was a kind sentiment and when said unconsciously meant that it was a truth. Both males made it through the cold treats as they cooled off under the half-moon that shone down on them. It was so tempting to fall asleep under the night sky. Shikamaru started to doze but yet again Naruto was tugging at his chakra reserves.

"If you fall asleep I'm going to follow the action," The blonde's eyes were closed from Shikamaru could see, a look of utter contentment on his face as the wind brushed his longer locks out of his face.

"Why don't we call it a night? We both won't be getting much work done."

Naruto hummed before nodding and opening his eyes. "It's not like Kakashi will notice. He's too busy swooning over Iruka."

"Weird pair," Shikamaru commented in an off-handed manner but it made Naruto giggle a bit. "I'm not wrong."

"You aren't but I feel responsible. They had quite opposing views when it came to me. Seems they worked out the differences as I got older. I'm happy for them."

"That is true. I hope we find something like that," Shikamaru murmured. Both males sighed in unison at that belief.

"Who is willing to accept our schedule?" Naruto chuckled softly and Shikamaru joined in as they both laughed at their situation. It was unique indeed. They were possibly the busiest people in the Hokage Tower, arriving first and leaving late into the night.

"I don't know, they'd be an angel if they did," Shikamaru commented as they fell into companionable silence. Somehow by feeling the energy between them both males knew there was something brewing, it was at the tip of their tongues but couldn't place a finger on it. Hence they settled for letting it go.

In an hour they managed to close up the office and head into the market so Shikamaru could shop for breakfast the next morning. Toeing off their shoes in the cozy apartment brought their work day to a close. They showered separately and settled down for watching a short movie before pulling out the futons. Naruto sat on the sofa with Shikamaru slotted between his legs on the ground as he made the blonde dry his hair. They shared a cool soda as they were wrapped up in the movie on the screen.

Naruto had developed a habit of playing in Shikamaru's hair and in response to this Shikamaru started to grow it out. Whenever he stayed over they could easily pass two hours with Naruto grooming his hair while they cycled through movies it was therapeutic for both of them. A way to unwind after stressful days. "I'm done," Naruto ruffled the now dry locks and Shikamaru nodded and turned off the television. Shuffling to the blonde's bedroom and getting under separate futons was a conclusion. Shikamaru fell asleep first but Naruto was close behind. They both wanted to sleep before the head encroached on them.

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