Part 33

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Morana is now 1 month old, and she is a major pain in the butt. but even though she drives us crazy (specially me) Harry and i love her all the same. because she is a vampire baby, she will grow at a unbelievable rate. she looks like a 2 year old but in reality she is only 1 month. Harry loves her so much, its so cute to see them playing in the yard. i think she is becoming a daddy's girl.

"its time to eat!" i shout to them.

"we'll be in in a minute." they shout in unison.

"ok, don't be long!" with that i walk into the dinning room and sit at the far end of the table away from everyone else... me eating is not a pretty sight.

"ALICE!" Harry shouts running into the room. "someone took her! i didn't see the face, but its a male."

i run as fast as i can to the back yard.

"which way?" i ask paniced.

"that way!" He points to the part of the woods that werewolfs and vampire are not allowed in.

"shit..." i say walking back and forth.

"hurry what are you waiting for?" Harry asks.

"nothing..." i say turning into my wolf form and howling.

i then sprint into the woods.

no one knows why we're not allowed in this first. All we know is that we are NOT allowed, but i don't care. i need yo get my baby back fast.

"took you long enough." i hear a voice behind me.

i quickly turn around and growl.

it's satan.

"wow, you growl at your ruler? you must have a lot of nerves."

i turn back into my vampire, but i changed into my outfit with my long black cape on.

"actually, i have no nerves to be exact." i say laughing and leaning against the tree.

"very true." he says with a low chuckle.

"how can i help anyways?" i ask laughing.

"you want your child back right?"

"what have you done with her?!" i say as my black sharp nails come out.

"i would calm down if i was you. she is fine. she is right up there." he says pointing up.

i looked up to find her just floating there.

"you're getting to close to him, alice. separate from him. if you don't, i will kill you." he says whispering in my hear. "don't be a idiot Alice."

suddenly Morana was falling.

i manage to catch her in time.

when i got back, Harry took her and carried her.

"hey dad." she says jumping out of his arms. "I'm going to go get some food." she runs inside and niall follows.

i just turn around and hug harry.

for all i know this could be the last time i have the chance to hug him.


hey! I'm so sorry i haven't updated in ages! I've just been diagnosed with pcos ( polycystic ovary syndrome) and it comes with a lot of severe pain. Recently it's been getting worse, so they decided to do a cat scan (the scan that they don't like to do because if radiation, they had to do for me because 1. The pain is getting to much 2. they need to make should nothing else is making it worse) and I've had 4 normal ultrasound scans. And also my ovaries are now enlarged, so they are now rubbing against all my other organs that are surrounding my ovaries. We're getting paperwork tomorrow to get a person to come to the house and teach me because it's painful even to move a little bit. And on top of that I had a severe reaction to the medication I'm on and my whole body (including my lungs) started cramping in, and I couldn't breathe or move. After that I was brought to the hospital where they had to put a extremely strong medication to stop the pain because the reaction triggered everything off making it worse x10..

I turned them (one direction- Harry) book 1Where stories live. Discover now