No more Burrow

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"So are you just going to ignore Ron for the rest of his natural born life?" Marlene asked as she was walking with Hermione behind the boys as they were walking towards the Burrow 

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"So are you just going to ignore Ron for the rest of his natural born life?" Marlene asked as she was walking with Hermione behind the boys as they were walking towards the Burrow 

Hermione nodded, "That's currently the plan. What was that? At the party? You and Draco?" 

"Honestly, I don't know...okay that's a lie, promise you won't tell the boys?" Marlene asked and Hermione nodded, "I feel like since the ministry, something's...I don't know come loose I guess, kind of makes me understand him more." 

The group stopped walking when they saw Remus walking out of the Burrow, Marlene quickly walked past the boys and hugged him, "You're back!" 

Remus smiled as he pulled Zac into the hug too, "I'm back." 

. . . . . . . . .

In one of the spare rooms in the burrow, Remus was standing in front of Zac and Marlene, "How can you trust him? After everything how can you trust him?" Marlene asked 

"It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement." Remus said 

Marlene nodded, "I know, and I don't. I don't think I've trusted Dumbledore's judgement since third year." 

"Dumbledore trusts Snape, therefore I do." Remus said, "You are simply blinded by hatred."

Marlene shook her head, "I'm not-" 

Remus cut her off, "Yes, you are. People are disappearing. Daily. We can only place our trust in a handful of people. If we start fighting amongst ourselves. We're doomed. Zac can you give us a minute." 

Zac nodded as he stood up, "Yeah sure...I think maybe you should see past this blind loyalty you have and start thinking like the man who's seen it all." 

Zac then walked out of the room and Remus said, "I heard about the incident with Miss Monroe. No one can prove what happened-" 

Marlene cut Remus off, "Exactly. No one can prove anything." 

"What were you thinking? Now, I know it's been hard can't do that it's not right. Hexing people solves nothing." 

Marlene scoffed, "Not right. What's not right is leaving your child weeks after her dad died as well as almost dying herself. To go on some mission which could get you killed as well. That's what's not right. My emotions might be slightly wired at the moment but nothing's okay. I am telling you Draco is doing something he doesn't want to do and no one is listening." 

"I'm listening-" 

Marlene cut Remus off, "No you're not. You're blinded by Dumbledore and what he wants. He doesn't always do what is right. Trust me I know. I need you to hear me when I say Draco is involved in this in a big way, I don't think he wants to to do it, but Snape is involved too but he is not on our matter how much you think he is." 

"Sirius warned me that this would happen." Remus said 

Marlene raised an eyebrow, "That what would happen?" 

"That you can't escape who you're related to." Remus said 

Marlene paused before she scoffed, "Oh my Merlin...I hexed one person and you think I'm like them? You know what just go home with Tonks and Nate. I can stay here." 

"The moon-" 

Marlene cut Remus off saying, "Yeah I know...I'm sick of being chained up when I'm not in school. I'm not an animal." 

Marlene walked past Remus and out of the room 

. . . . . . . . .

"I'm wired. There is something wrong with me." Marlene said as she sat on the couch next to Zac with Nate sitting on the armchair 

Zac put his arm around her and said, "There is nothing wrong with you." 

"I am a horrible person." Marlene said as she put her head on his shoulder 

Nate nodded, "That's true." 

Marlene laughed but her smile dropped and she sat up, "Marlene?...what is it?" Nate asked

Marlene quickly stood up and began to run for the door just as Harry ran down the stairs, Harry tossed Marlene her wand just as they ran out of the Burrow, "Harry! Marlene no!" Arthur shouted as they ran past them 

Remus ran after them, "Remus!" Tonks shouted as she ran after him 

Just as Marlene and Harry ran through the fire it closed up blocking Tonks and Remus

As Marlene and Harry were running through the grass, they heard Bellatrix shouting, "I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" 

Marlene stopped running and realised Harry wasn't with her, "Harry?" 

She turned around when she heard someone behind her, "It's so easy to get to you." 


Marlene threw the spell but Fenrir blocked it, "You need to remember what you are." 

"I know what I am." Marlene said just as Harry and Ginny ran into the clearing with her, Fenrir then apparated away 

The group were turning around when they heard apparating noises, "They're playing with us." Marlene said 

Just then a spell came towards her but Marlene blocked it, "You're gonna have to do better than that." 

Harry, Ginny and Marlene were blocking spells that were coming towards them until Remus, Arthur and Tonks ran through the grass and stood with them

Just then they saw two black streams flying upwards, then they heard a crash, "Molly." Arthur said as he began to run to the Burrow 

. . . . . . .

Marlene ran through the grass and over to Zac who was standing with Marlene, he turned around and hugged her when she got to him, "Next time you go running off. Let me know so I can go with you." Zac said 

Marlene nodded and when she pulled away she saw the Burrow was on fire, Zac turned Marlene so that she was facing him and he wiped some blood from under her nose, "First one in a while. Not bad." 

Thank you for reading 

I don't know why I like this one, so I have written no more of this but half of the next one my writing is confusing but I am building something up in Marlene which will be so fun to watch 

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