Part 3

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Robin's POV

I lay awake and couldn't shake the guilt. I'd slept with Mrs Click again. We had promised that we would stop, she was engaged to her soon to be second husband. Yet still, she clearly craved me.

Sadly, the life of a closet lesbian teenager in Hawkins was not the easiest. Still, I knew what I'd done was wrong. But if she was happy with him she wouldn't have agreed to fuck.

I checked the watch on my wrist. Shit. It was 4:00am. I had a band concert later that day.

Suddenly, the alarm went off. My vision blurred, I checked the time on the alarm, 7:00am.

"Great. Three hours of sleep." I yawned, yanking myself out of bed.

Later that day..

I tucked my hair behind my ears as I prepared myself to go on stage with the rest of my band class. The whole school would be watching, including Nancy Wheeler. She couldn't avoid me for long. Maybe she'd sneak off with Steve or Jonathan, depending on which one she'd use for the day.

"Uh.. Robin." I heard a familiar voice.

I turned to face.. Nancy! Well this was a surprise.

"Oh. It's you.." I gulped.

"Yeah. I just wanted to wish you good luck."

Good luck for what? I thought to myself.

"Uh. Thanks."

"It's not easy going up in front of everyone and performing, even if it's just band." She twirled her hair.

"Just band" What did she mean by that?

"What do you mean 'just band'. I'll have you know, I take band practice very seriously." I huffed.

She rolled her eyes. "Well, sorry if I offended you. I have to go now." "See you around."

"You didn't offe-" She was gone.

"Well that was a weird interaction." I mumbled under my breath, rubbing my forehead.

Another knock at the door.

"I told you I wasn't offended Nance, really it's okay."

"Um.. what?" Mrs Click was stood in the door way.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

She inched closer. "Clearly." "Who else have you been talking to?"

Why is she stressing me out right now?

"It was Nancy Wheeler. But does it matter anyway?"

"Of course it matters." She shut the door behind her.

"It's my choice who I talk to. I have a life outside of you."

"Look, don't get to just waltz back into my life and play with my emotions! Do you understand that!?" She threw her hands in the air in annoyance.

"I'm- I'm sorry." "Things are stressful for me too, all this sneaking around." I sighed, offloading the tension that was building up.

"I know, it's not your fault." She put a hand on my shoulder for comfort. I pulled her in for a hug, embracing her tightly.

"I really should get going. I have the concert in fifteen minutes." I pulled away from the intimate moment.

There was silence for a couple seconds but it felt like forever.

"You're right. Do me proud." She flashed a beaming smile, god she was beautiful at times.

"In the literal sense or..?" I smirked sarcastically.

She left with a grin and I was alone with my thoughts. I really did like her, she was my first intimacy. My very limited sex life consisted of my highschool history teacher and a girl who wants nothing to do with me. So life was, liveable but not great.

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