Part 4

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Robin's POV

The concert went well. It was nothing to shout about, but it was a good performance on my part.

Still, the whole situation from earlier was racking my brain. I liked Nancy, I really did. But the more bitchy she acted towards me, especially cursing at me and leaving me for Steve, the more I wanted to retreat to Mrs Click.

The morality of my relationship with Mrs Click was.. questionable to say the least. Most people had a problem with teacher-student relationships because of the power dynamic, but I was a closeted teenager in Hawkins, in the 80s. My choices were limited.

I heard a knock at the front door coming from downstairs.

"Robin!" "There's some kid here to see you!" I heard my mum's voice calling me.

"Coming!" I paced down the stairs, hoping to see Nancy, but instead I was met with.. Kieth's tired facial expression.

"Oh. Hey Kieth." I slightly waved.

What's this guy doing here? I silently thought to myself.

"I've gotta talk to you about something.. in private."

What's he on about? Can't he just leave already?

I walked out onto the front lawn and shut the door behind me.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, tucking my hair behind my ears.

He looked agitated and somewhat nervous. "Uh. Have you been to the cinema recently?" He coughed, avoiding eye contact.

"Kieth, what is this? I don't have time for a quiz."

"Someone wrote something.. bad about you on the big sign." "I thought you knew.."

Who has time to do that kind of thing?

"What did it say?" I questioned, unbothered by the news.

"Something to do with carpets. Y'know?" "I should probably go.." He scattered away like a stray cat.

"Hey! Get back here, you didn't answer my damn question!"

I quickly got on my bike and began peddling down the street. I passed Kieth on the way, made sure to give him a piece of my mind.

"Hey asshole!" I looked back and flashed my middle finger as I drove past him.

I drove for a couple more blocks and passed some kids from school. They were all in groups or hanging out of car windows, probably enjoying the lead up to summer more than me.

I finally got to the outside of the cinema.

"Robin Buckley is a carpet muncher." "How original." I tutted to myself.

Clearly someone knew, it was just a matter of who. And if I was gonna fight the rumours that would come with this 'art piece' I'd have to play it off cool. Pretend I don't even care or know about the theories circulating around Hawkins regarding my sexuality.

"Who's Robin Buckley?" I heard in the distance.

At least someone didn't know me or my business.

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